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那我们会心中有数,知道你们需要什么了。Then wed have some idea of what youll be needing.

有关于文章中研究对象的关键词,可能你在事先已做到心中有数了。You're probably already aware of the key words in the subject you're studying.

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对自己的阅读速度心中有数应该是快速阅读带给你最重要的东西。More than anything else, speed reading should give you an awareness of your speed.

虽然约翰对一切都心中有数,但他从不拿癌症话题开玩笑。Even though John always had a ready answer, he never joked about cancer apparently.

对于我对阳光的爱多深,夏日有多长,他是否已心中有数?Does he have any idea as to the extent of my love for the Sunlight and that of the summers?

对生活中所追求的东西心中有数的少男少女,大概前途更美好。A young boy or girl who knows what he or she wants to do in life probably has a better future.

格林对尼娜和杰克过去的历史心中有数,她怀疑尼娜在隐藏着什么。Green is aware of Nina and Jack’s past relationship and she suspects that Nina is hiding something.

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所以在拍摄时要根据主题选好市场,做到心中有数,按计划排下来。So when shooting the theme selected according to the market, be aware of the planned schedule down.

昨天,看过首都规划建筑设计汇报展的观众多少也都心中有数了。Yesterday, read on the capital planning architectural exhibition are aware of the number of viewers.

首先,企业需要对于当地哪些中学和大学的学生具备该企业所需技能做到心中有数。First, a business needs to identify local schools and colleges that have students with desirable skills.

刚才他母亲讲话的时候,他只是抱着那种等着受骗并且心中有数的姑妄听之的态度去听的。He had begun listening to his mother with the dulled ear of someone who was about to be conned and knew it.

但是你必须为你一天中的一段时间制定计划,因为心中有数总是比凭心估计好。But you have to make planning part of your day, because knowing exactly where you are is always better than guessing.

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下面就从食品营养的角度来分析水煮鱼是否影响健康,也许能让大家吃起来心中有数。Here from food nutrition perspective whether boiled fish, perhaps can affect health let everybody eat up fairly well.

如果你能设法对周遭环境做到心中有数,“你就不会成为扒手和歹徒的目标”,罗斯说。If you manage to have a good grasp on the environment, “you won’t be targeted for pick pocketing or scams,” Rose said.

所以,如果下次你的孩子说他在法律学位和石油工程学之间举棋不定,那你应该心中有数了吧?So the next time your child tells you that they are on the fence about that law degree, petroleum engineering, anyone?

抽出的困难在于,如果想要把它做得完美,男方必须在将要射精时心中有数,能够意识到及时抽出。The difficulty with pulling out is that, to do it perfectly, the guy must be really in tune with when he is going to ejaculate.

通过这样做,你可以对可能的结果做到心中有数,而且你可以控制并从可能的结果中恢复过来。By doingthis you define the potential consequences and also discover thatwhatever the might happen you can manage and recover from it.

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通过这样做,你可以对可能的结果做到心中有数,而且你可以控制并从可能的结果中恢复过来。By doing this you define the potential consequences and also discover that whatever the might happen you can manage and recover from it.

她认为,只要人们了解低酸饮食的基本知识,对与自己相抵触的食物又心中有数,那么做到这样的饮食习惯是比较容易的。She says that once people learn the basics of low-acid eating as well as their own trigger foods, it’s a relatively simple diet to follow.

为了使你对设计的目标心中有数,在下面画出了两种类型的射频调谐接收机的电路图。So that you may have in mind the goal towards which you are working, there are shown below the circuit diagrams of the two types of TRF receiver.