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如果你可以做一个客齐集克隆,它甚至会更好。If you can make a clone of kijiji, it would even be better.

那么多世界级的明星都会齐集在此,想必一定是个不错的所在。So many world-class stars will gather here presumably will be a good host.

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齐集在汶莱机场,搭乘马航经亚庇飞往台北。抵达后专人接机前往下榻酒店休息。Assemble at Brunei airport for your flight to Taipei. Upon arrival, meet and transfer to hotel.

半个钟头以后,他们齐集在眺望岗上湖的东南角。Half an hour after they had all arrived at the southeast angle of the lake, on Prospect Heights.

本周,来自世界各地的土著群体齐集在阿拉斯加共同商讨全球变暖问题。Indigenous groups from around the world are meeting in Alaska this week to discuss global warming.

这是十家八家聚居在一处的牧民们齐集到一家比较大的蒙古包里,欢度一天最后的幸福时辰。This means that a number of families have gathered in one of the larger yurts to round off the day.

鹿井沟由于在过去经常野鹿成群,齐集沟口一带嬉戏饮水,由此得名“鹿井沟”。Before here always gathered agminate wild-deer play water at the entrence of gutter, so named as Lujing gutter.

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在那一天,每个人提着五彩缤纷的灯笼齐集到大街上举行盛大的灯会。On this day, everybody would carry colorful lanterns and then gather in a public place for a big "lantern fair".

我试着说服自己,便是这点题目,要是她真能齐集精力,就不会这么一遍四处唠叨了。I try to convince myself that's all that it is, and if she really concentrated, she would not repeat herself so much.

于是,十月二十三日上午,会员们在蒙蒙的秋雨中齐集西馆,召开了二零零四年的会员大会。Then on October 23th , the members gathered in west hall during the drizzly rain to hold the 2004 member's conference.

G8及G20峰会参与国领导人于上周齐集加拿大安大略省,参加在亨茨维尔及多伦多举行的多场会议。Last week, leaders of nations from both the G8 and G20 gathered in Ontario Canada, for meetings in in Huntsville and Toronto.

虽然王建硕透露,客齐集已经拥有了一定的现金收入,但是目前依然处于探索阶段。Although Wang tells the journalist, that KiJiJi has already got a certain cash income, it is still now in the stage of exploration.

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上周,来自世界各地红十字会及红新月协会的志愿者齐集索浮里奥进行纪念活动。This past week, volunteers from Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world gathered in Solferino to mark the anniversary.

客齐集萨斯卡通的购买,出售及贸易类允许你找别人销售电子,电脑,家具等。Kijiji Saskatoon buy, sell and trade " category " allows you to find someone selling " electronics, " computers, furniture, and so on.

我一边走一边想,我们带的兰可夫灯的灯光必然要引起那些沉黑的海底下居民的注意,齐集前来。While we were walking, I thought the lights of our Ruhmkorff devices would automatically attract some inhabitants of these dark strata.

此线路景点齐集,风光迴异,为不可多得的经典个性化特色旅游线路。This circuit beauty spot gathers, tremendous difference, travel for the classic characteristic special features that can't get much circuit.

金地集团高层领导、合作伙伴、政府代表、媒体记者等齐集一堂,参加了此次庆祝活动。Top leaders of Gemdale Corporation, business partners of Gemdale Plaza, government officials and journalists gathered together to celebrate.

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此线路景点齐集,风光迴异,为不可多得的经典个性化特色旅游线路。This circuit beauty spot gathers, tremendous difference, travel for the classic characteristic special features that cannot get much circuit.

昨晚菲尔-汤普森受到齐集在挪威首都斯堪的纳维亚球迷欢迎和款待。Phil Thompson was the guest of honour as hundreds of members of the Scandinavian Official Supporters' Club gathered in Norway's capital last night.

大妹想齐集所有人的力量冲破结界,可黑蚁布下的结界异常坚固,他们怎么努力也冲不破。Big sister want to gathered all strength to break the barrier, the barrier can set the black ant unusually strong, no matter how hard they also dont break.