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我们如同手足兄弟。We were like brothers.

他和他兄弟情如手足。Both hands and feet are bent.

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和他谈这事没用,应用归手足太阴经及足厥阴经。It is no use talking to him about it.

那最最动人的手足、唇齿、眼眉。Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow.

尽管是炎热的六月天,我却感手足冰冷。Though it's June, my blood feels like ice.

用于皮肤真菌疾病以及手足癣。Fungal skin disease, hand and foot chapped.

缺铁可以导致手足冰冷吗?Could iron deficiency lead to cold hands and feet?

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我们把这看作手足兄弟之间的一个悲剧。We see it as a tragedy of brother against brother.

至交是出生时上天忘了赐予我们的同胞手足。Bestfriends are the siblings god forgot to give us.

他面色惨白,手足都在哆嗦。He was as pale as death and trembling in every limb.

伊斯兰教是个推崇和平、仁善与手足情谊的宗教。Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood.

手足的掌心则用藏红花染做了黄色。The palms of his feet and hands were yellow with saffron.

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翘楚手足冰冷,气的浑身颤抖。Raise Chu lanky iciness, the whole body of spirit shivers.

点这儿可以看到一段患有手足徐动型脑瘫的女孩的电影。Click here to see a short movie of a girl with athetoid CP.

无论肤色黑白,我们能同席落坐,情如手足。Black men and white men Together at the table of brotherhood!

第一个患者是一名4嵗零10个月大的男孩伴有手足搐搦和矮小。The first was a boy aged 4 years 10 months with tetany and dwarfism.

人们有时会感觉手足冰冷,尤其是在冬天。Everyone gets cold hands and feet sometimes, especially during winter.

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他们甚至接纳逃跑的非洲奴隶,并把他们当手足兄弟。They even took in escaped African slaves and lived with them as equals.

Lewyn亲王是人最希望得到的那种英勇的手足兄弟。Prince Lewyn was as valiant a brother-in-arms as any man could wish for.

主要毒副反应为骨髓毒性及手足综合症,均较轻。The major toxicity included myelotoxicity and hand-foot syndrome were mild.