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他接受哪一条末路?What extremity did he accept?

铁拳迈克的末路也由此开始。It was the beginning of the end for Iron Mike.

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他们初次可以不消为截稿日期和编纂而懊末路。For once, they did not worry about deadlines and editors.

她竟为这种无意之中所犯地错而末路火。She actually for this unintentional mistakes and annoying.

这时秦天也末路了,幸而被沈蔷拉住了。When qin day also, thanks to the end by shen Qiang pulled.

中国是否正“如狼似虎”销售一个正走向末路的产品呢?Is China gobbling up sales of a product that’s on its way out?

懊末路,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的城市留在记忆里。Trouble is that memory is good, the mind should not mind will stay in memory.

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这一场末路繁华,不倾城,不倾国,却倾我所有。This is a dead end of downtown, not allure, do not do, but all I have to give.

曾经是美国最为强实力的制造业到了走到末路的衰败。Manufacturing, once America’s greatest strength, seemed to be in terminal decline.

财务隐患的积重难返是很多民营企业走向末路的主因。That financial risks diehard of many private enterprises is the main cause toward their dooms.

这正是观察集权压制,走向末路的一个切入点And, so, this is an entry path to see this, to see this thing brought down as a symbol of centralized oppression.

有人觉得一纸婚书等于一张长期饭票,亦有人觉得是一条末路。Some people think a marriage certificate is equal to a long-term meal ticket, some people think it is a dead end.

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20年前,日经225指数上探38916点,而依托日本强势经济的好日子正走上末路。But once the Nikkei 225 hit 38,916 points 20 years ago this week, life began to leach out of the Japanese economy.

正在第三全国教书的好国人发现,课堂表面贫乏合作异常令人懊末路。Americans teaching in Third World countries find the lack of competition in a classroom situation equally distressing.

声誉和随之而来的令人兴奋的赞扬迫着这位出了名的人走上自己的末路。Fame and the exhilarating celebrity that accompanies it, force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction.

消费社会、读图时代、大众狂欢、文学末路,这一切都在逼仄着电视艺术的天地。Consumer society, interpret drawings age, popular carnival, literary dead end, all this cramped the space of the television arts.

反过来,如果统治精英内部失和,则会削弱当局的镇压能力,通常会使得统治者走上末路。Disunity within the ruling elite, on the other hand, weakens the regime's repressive capacity and usually spells the rulers' doom.

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其实,阿拉腾乌拉的母亲本身就是蒙古长调民歌的高手。但透过他的言语,这种脉脉传承的重要民族音乐文化正在走向末路。Aalatengwula's mother is herself an expert in Mongolian long-tone folk songs. He says it's a vital but endangered part of the culture.

跟随着音符踏上旅程,第一眼就决定了缘分,当旅途走到了末路时,回路藏在急速的音律里…Follow the note upon the journey. At first sight marks one's destiny. Once the voyage comes to the end. Return lies within hasty keys.

有人觉得一纸婚书等于一张长期饭票,亦有人觉得是一条末路。Somebody feels book of one first wedding anniversary is equal to a piece of long-term bread ticket, also somebody feels is a dead end.