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瞧见了吗?See it, up there?

这时阿格斯突然出现,瞧见了他们。Then Argus appeared and saw them.

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是挺古怪——我瞧见里头有个脸!It does appear odd--I see a face in it!

一个小时以后,他瞧见了第一条鲨鱼。An hour later he sighted the first shark.

我在市场里瞧见它,然后只能默默地走开。I look at it in the markets and walk away.

爱上我,忌恨我,但你无法瞧见我所眼见的。Love me, hate me, but can't you see what I see.

这只猛禽又在盘旋了,这次桑提亚哥瞧见金枪鱼在太阳光下跃起。This time Santiago saw tuna leaping in the sunlight.

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猫头鹰是独一能瞧见蓝色的鸟类。Owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue.

浪漫是瞧见花将凋零想哭泣。Romance is seeing flowers withering away you want to cry.

在婚礼上,我瞧见卧室的床上镶嵌着花朵。On the wedding Isaw blooms embeded in the bed of the bedroom.

你得看看她瞧见我戴帽子时的开心笑脸。You should have seen her smile when she saw me wearing a hat.

噢,瞧见他手上拿的纸了吗?那是我一周锻炼计划的坐标方格。Oh, and see the paper in his hand with my exercise grid for the week?

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“赛过活神仙!”汤姆说,“要是那帮小子能瞧见咱们,他们会怎么说?”It's NUTS! " said Tom. "What would the boys say if they could see us?"

我们放弃了牠,正打算打道回府时,我们瞧见了另外一个希望,牠就是我们现在的妹妹猫。When we gave it up, we saw another one hope that it is our mei-mei cat.

你没瞧见她那满不在乎的样子,连问也不问就把我的收音机拿走了。You should have seen the cool way she took my radio without even asking.

表哥瞧见一群穿着大氅的匹俦正在胰子汤里浸泡灵魂。Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy soup.

我俩站在停车场说话,让他从办公室瞧见了,又跑过来接着和我们辩。He sees us from his office, and he comes back out to argue with us some more.

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桑提亚哥瞧见鱼的跃起,知道自己钓到了一条未见过的最大的马林鱼。Seeing it leap, Santiago knew he had hooked the biggest marlin he had even seen.

他从来没到过那儿,但是,有一次,他在赫德森湾公司的地图上曾经瞧见过那地方。He had never been there, but he had seen it, once, on a Hudson Bay Company chart.

黑暗中瞧见在那茅棚的洞口显出一只大狗头。The head of an enormous dog was outlined in the darkness at the entrance of the hut.