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放弃追踪新闻时事。Give up on news.

我最喜欢带劲的追踪。I love a good chase.

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参赛者追踪雀鸟踪迹。On the trail of a bird.

追踪和过滤。Tracking and filtering.

你还应该追踪什么?What else should you track?

使用热追踪导弹。Using Heat-seeking missiles.

他知道他们正在追踪他。He knew they were tracing him.

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猎人们追踪到那只熊并把它杀了。The hunter was tracking a hare.

他们追踪狐狸直抵巢穴。They traced the fox to its den.

追踪及汇报你的进步。Track and report your progress.

像蝙蝠一样的声纳追踪风速变化Bat-Like Sonar Tracks Wind Speeds

那个凶手被追踪到巴黎。The murderer was traced to Paris.

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您为个人追踪时间吗?Do you track time for individuals?

那猎人正在追踪一条狼。The hunter is following up a wolf.

我们决定追踪视图索引。We decided to pursue view indexing.

竟能追踪歌声的飞扬?。Thatit can follow the flight of song?

猎人在密林中追踪一只牛羚。The hunter slotted a gnu in the woods.

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猎人们悄悄地追踪那只鹿。The huntsmen chased the deer silently.

我该如何启用停止追踪的功能?How does the Do-not-track feature work?

很显然有人追踪到了他。Someone had obviously tracked him down.