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不同的机器翅果设计。Various designs of robotic samaras.

翅果是一个单翼飞行器,意味着它只有单独的一个翅膀。The samara is a monocopter, meaning it has a single wing.

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当然,当然,一棵枫树自然不会飞,不过它的翅果确实会。Okay, okay, a maple tree doesn’t fly. But its seeds kind of do.

比如机器翅果可以极大的伤害承受能力。For instance, the robotic samaras are extremely damage-tolerant.

对元宝枫翅果油脂含量和累积规律进行了研究。Oil content and accumulation of Acer truncatum samara were studied.

机器的翅膀从形状上与天然翅果的翅膀相似。The wing of the vehicle is similar in size to a natural samara wing.

科学家们在一个充满人造烟雾的风洞里摄制下枫树翅果随风飘动的情形。Scientists filmed maple seeds as they wafted through a smoke-filled wind tunnel.

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其中,茄科、梧桐科与薯蓣科科内同时拥有具翅果实及具翅种子。Among them, Solanaceae, Sterculiaceae and Dioscoreaceae contain both the winged fruits and seeds.

一个天然的翅果紧挨着在最新造出的最小最轻的机器翅果后。A natural samara is positioned next to the smallest and lightest robotic samara constructed to date.

这也就解释了,橡树的种子总是落在附近,而枫树的翅果却总是落到很远的地方。Which explains why the acorn might not fall far from the tree, but maple seeds can really go the distance.

翅果油树种子油经甲酯化处理后用GC-MS分析和鉴定其组成和相对含量。The oil was esterified and then analyzed by GC-MS. 11 fatty acids were identified in Elaeagnus mollis seed oil.

该研究结果表明,翅果油树叶片和种子均可作为利用该植物开发天然抗氧化剂的优选部位。The research results showed that the leaves and seeds of E. mollis could be the raw material as natural antioxidant.

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目的从翅果油树叶片中提取多糖,并分析其体外抗氧化活性。ObjectiveTo extract the polysaccharide from the Laminae of Elaeagnus mollis Diels and analyze its antioxidant activity.

建立了翅果油树组织培养高效再生植株的实验体系。It was the efficiency experiment system of regenesis plant of Elaeagnus mollis tissue culture that had been established.

在新的研究中,研究者们设计并建造了一种机械翅果,它的动力与真正的翅果很像。In a new study, researchers have designed and built a mechanical samara whose dynamics are very similar to those of nature’s samaras.

具翅果实与种子皆以环生翅居多,而具翅种子亦具有立体翅。Most winged fruits and winged seeds were under the category of pteripterous and winged seeds also contained three dimensions of wings.

本文应用TWINSPAN分类和DCA排序相结合的方法,研究了翅果油树群落的物种、植物群落与环境的生态关系。The ecological relationship of species, community and environment in Elaeagnus mollis communities were studied by using TWINSPAN and DCA.

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在测试过机械翼果之后,研究者们又造出了自带动力源,远程控制的机器翅果。After testing the mechanical samara, the researchers then built a variety of remote-controlled robotic samaras with onboard power sources.

受翅果启发的自旋过程比起其他小尺寸飞行器在起飞和着陆的表现上,有几个好处。The samara-inspired autorotation process has several advantages compared to other small-scale aircraft that perform vertical take-off and landing.

除了能把机器翅果融合进入玩具,他说这个技术在三维测绘和卫星通讯中也可以应用。In addition to developing the robotic samara into a toy, he said that the device could also have applications in satellite communications and 3D mapping.