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他要回到故里。He’s to come home.

这里是戚继光的故里。This was Qi Jiguang's hometown.

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离别故里,人缺月依明。Leave home, people lack of Yiming.

这是否表示我将魂归故里?Could this mean that I'm comin' home?

要记住红河谷你的故里。Red River Valley to remember your hometown.

六年后,姜莞尔回到故里。Six years later, Jiang smile back to hometown.

背井离乡的德国犹太裔文学经典重归故里German-Jewish Literary Culture Returns from Exile

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年出生于河南省漯河市许椹故里。Born in 1955 in Henan province Luohe city Xu Shen 's hometown.

汽笛声声,列车归乡,浪子泊客,身归故里。The train whistle blow, homecoming, the Boke, who return home.

的汉高祖刘邦故里----江苏省丰县。Hangaozu Liu Bang native place----Jiangsu Province Feng County.

此时无关风月,只道秋思故乡,心系在故里。The unrelated temptress, a yearning heart in hometown, hometown.

历史上著名的逊让君位的伯夷、叔齐,其故里就在此地。Historic Johnson so-Jun-bit Boyi, Shu Ch'i, their hometown in here.

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走不尽的徽商故里,说不完的徽商话题。Never-failing native places of Hui-Shang, untold topics of Hui-Shang.

即使人们返回故里,Sato也很担心他们以何为生。And even if people return, Mr Sato worries how they will make a living.

直到战争结束爱因斯坦才得以返归故里。Not until the war was over was Einstein able to return to his homeland.

回望故里,清泪欲下,离别思绪,月圆越浓。Back at home, tears to parting thoughts, full moon, the more concentrated.

你也可以往潘故里市常那边有良多画和艺术品。You can also go to Pan ' jiayuan Market. There' re lots of paintings and art there.

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龙口徐福镇,古称徐乡县,为秦朝方士徐福故里。City Xu Fuzhen, known as the Xu Xiang County, the hometown of Xu Fu for the alchemist.

以绿色环保型家饰质料,给你一个康健温馨的故里。With green environmental protection decorates material, give you a healthy sweet home.

同时,他的对手麦凯恩在七个“摇摆州”演讲后返回他的故里亚利桑那州。Meantime, his rival John McCain is making a seven-state swing back to his Arizona home.