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学生们很看得起他。Students think highly of him.

外国人是不会看得起你的。Foreigners are not highly of you.

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又怕没人看得起我…Also feared that nobody thinks highly of me.

在旧社会谁还会看得起我们?In the old society, who would look up to us?

旧社会谁还会看得起我们?Eg. In the old society, who would look up to us?

被某人看得起是一项很大的荣耀。It is a great honor to be looked up to by someone.

“吉姆,”他说,这里我只看得起你一个人。Jim, 'he said, 'you're the only person here worth anything.

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你这样做,他的朋友也不会看得起你的。You will never recommend yourself to his friend by so doing.

要人瞧得起自己,必须自己看得起自己。The important person esteems oneself, Must own think highly of oneself.

为什么西方现在突然看得起我们了,就是我们经济上去了。Why the western countries respect us now? That's because we have strong economy.

他回来时已成了一个真正的英雄,即使在那些过去不大看得起他的人眼中也是如此。He came back a real hero even in the eyes of those who had not cared for him before.

在这个社会,要别人看得起你是靠实力的。R in this society, want others to think highly of you is to rely on the strength of the.

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两位实在太看得起我了,我能帮什么忙呢?对了!植辰那边有什么消息吗?Is two can see me really too, what favour can I help?To! Plant Chen to there have what news?

夫人,你实在想错了,我完全不明白你这次怎么这样看得起我们,会到这种地方来。Indeed, you are mistaken, Madam. I have not been at all able to account for the honour of seeing you here.

别人愿意跟你挑战,是因为你有别人看得起的长处。Other people are willing to challenge you, that's because you have the strength that they think highly of.

我透过窗外看到那么多想要挑战我的人,唯一能让我看得起眼的只有你,德拉霍亚!I am looking through the front window and see the one guy who I look up to and admire, and he is Oscar De La Hoya.

二是把纳税人的钱多分一些在社会保障事业上面,让所有的人都看得起病,吃得起饭。Second, taxpayers' money in social security number of points above, so that all people are seek care, could afford to eat rice.

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什么是自信?自信,就是自己信得过自己,自己看得起自己。What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration.

梅显祖告诉那个女的说他们当当家的要三万块钱真的是太看得起自己了,还说自己都值三万块现大洋了,高兴得不行。MeiXianZu tell that woman said they DangDangGu to thirty thousand dollars is really too highly of yourself, and says he is worth thirty thousand pieces of XianDaYang, not happy.

应该在生产名牌好药的同时,再生产一些价廉高效的普通药品,让老百姓可以看得起病,吃得起药。Production designer should be good medicine at the same time, the reproduction of some common drugs cheap and efficient, so that ordinary people can afford disease, Chi Deqi medicine.