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我开了一整晚夜车。I just pulled an all-nighter.

我乘夜车到那个城镇去。I took the night train to the town.

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在这儿住一宿,因为坐夜车不安全。We will stay at a hotel here for a night.

什么纸条?我看不到。我开了一整晚夜车。What note? I can't see. I just pulled an all-nighter.

巴黎是欧洲夜车的枢纽。Paris is the omphalos of Europe's night train services.

经过一晚的夜车在风雨中的旅行,老公的身体已经冻如冰棍。His body became a popsicle after bus travel whole night.

她开了一整晚夜车,才勉强在截止日期前写完了文章。She ended up writing all night and barely met the deadline.

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注意你的身体,别开那么多夜车了。Take care of your health. Don't burn the midnight oil so much.

今晚8点的夜车下铺车票一张。A lower berth ticket for the night train at eight o'clock tonight.

巴黎夜车线路可选西南方向到威尼斯的。The pick of the Paris night trains is the route southeast to Venice.

为了要完成我的报告,今晚我必须赶夜车。I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight in order to finish my report.

由于他明天以前必须完成他的计画,所以昨晚他开了夜车。As he had to finish up his project by tomorrow, he burnt the midnight oil last night.

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“城市夜车”公司有着欧洲夜间列车最高的服务标准。CityNightLine services are at the top of the pile for night-train standards in Europe.

我其实更想坐夜车,因为我不想把白天的时间浪费在火车上。I prefer taking the night trains so that I won't waste the daytime on a train, " he said.

她加班加点,开了三个晚上的夜车,才把活儿赶完。She managed to finish the job only by working overtime and burning the midnight oil for three nights.

但是夜车的行驶时间不能在有效期开始前,也不能在有效期过后。Travel may not be taken before the first day of validity of the pass or after the last day of validity.

从巴黎到罗马的夜车夜发晨至,一路没有风景,只有一只巨大的月亮追随着火车。From Paris to Rome to Karachi night hair no scenery, all morning, only a gigantic moon followed the train.

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“妈妈,”孩子们每天至少要问我五六次,“我们什么时候可以再乘夜车回去啊?”"Mummy, " I am asked at least half a dozen times a day, "when can we go on the night train all the way back again?"

你或是你的同事最近有没有吹嘘过自己开了夜车,然后冲两倍浓咖啡来保持清醒呢?Have you or your co-workers bragged about pulling an all-nighter recently while chugging double espressos to stay awake?

这也是一趟夜车,事实上,在这趟火车上要过四个晚上,列车穿越土耳其,经过凡湖火车轮渡进入伊朗。This is a night train too. In fact, it takes four nights to travel across Turkey and into Iran by way of the Lake Van ferry.