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乐声戛然而止时,他们又将何去何从?What will they do when the music stops?

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在道德沦亡的时代,我们该何去何从?What do we do in times of moral upheaval?

三代同堂。何去何从?Three generations. Where are they heading?

而谁又能平复暗潮,告诉它何去何从?But who could tame the tide away and tell it where to go?

现在从很多方面来说,中国都处在何去何从的重要关头。Now is a critical moment for China in more ways than one.

当病毒治愈着它自己时,所有那些殉难者何去何从?Where will all the martyrs go when the virus cures itself?

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那么,十年后我们的语言将何去何从?So where will we all be, language-wise, ten years from now?

若小女王将自由赐予了他们他们又何去何从?What would they do if this child queen bestowed it on them?

在这难以取舍的关键时刻,她将何去何从?In this critical time of a toss-up, she will be where to go?

倘若花容能扬起千艘船只,我将何去何从?If a face could launch a thousand ships, then where am I go ?

那么,“全球化”这个反面角色又该何去何从呢?Where then does that pantomime villain, globalisation, fit in?

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一旦遭遇这种困境,企业家该何去何从?So what does an entrepreneur do when caught in this predicament?

现在你知道了阿。接下来的问题是你将要何去何从?And now you do. The question now is, where are you gonna go from here?

相比之下,民主党实际上从来没有告诉我们他们希望我们何去何从。Democrats, in contrast, never really tell us where they want us to go.

对试图决定现在何去何从的投资者来说,有两个问题最为重要。Two questions matter most to investors trying to decide what to do now.

引起姐妹之间这场厮杀的保密处长叶公瑾又何去何从?Cause this battle between sisters confidential director leaves GongJin again?

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过去两年中詹姆斯将何去何从一直是人们猜测的中心。James's destination has been the subject of ramped-up speculation for two years.

王玫的现代舞实验将走向何方?中国现代舞将何去何从?But, in which direction will Wang Mei's creation and Chinese modern dance be going?

你要是真能直面人生,你便早会被告知何去何从。Had this been a real life you would have been instructed where to go and what to do.