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另外,我公司还有大量原煤、精煤出售。In addition, I have a lot of coal companies, coal for sale.

所用煤种包括高硫原煤、低硫原煤、中煤。The coals used included high-sulfur raw-coal, low-sulfur raw-coal and middling coal.

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发电厂通过皮带秤对原煤进行计量,以控制发电成本。Belt weighers are used in power plants to measure coal and control power generation costs.

本文介绍了采用数学模型模拟原煤亨利可选性曲线的尝试。This paper describes the simulation of raw coal washability curves using a micro-computer.

对煤矿的煤质进行选择,选用原煤含硫量低于规定标准的煤。Make selection tot he coal mine and use of coal with sulfur content lower than standard coal.

因此,煤斗中的原煤要先送至磨煤机内磨成煤粉。Therefore, the coal hopper in the first sent to the mill with raw coal into a pulverized coal.

生物质型煤是由原煤、生物质和固硫剂混合压制而成的一种新型型煤。Bio briquette is a new kind of coal briquettes made up of coal, biomass and sulphur retention agent.

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由于恶劣天气扰乱了煤炭市场,一月份原煤的价格与去年同期相比整张了14.9个百分点。Crude coal prices jumped 14.9 percent year-on-year in January as bad weather disrupted coal markets.

工业锅炉能耗巨大,占我国原煤产量的三分之一左右。Industrial boilers huge energy consumption, Chinese output of raw coal accounts for about one-third.

煤的管道应该被精心的设计以确保从原煤仓到磨煤机有平滑的流动。Coal chutes should be carefully designed to permit the smooth flow of coal from bunker to pulverizer.

规定主要是针对发电、钢铁、原煤、焦碳和化工等污染环境的工厂。The efforts are focused on such polluters as power-generation, steel, coal, coke, and chemical plants.

将破碎褐原煤用大倾角皮带运输机,送入滚动筒体内。Put crushing and brown raw coal into the moving barrel with the high inclination-angle ribbon conveyor.

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研究了微波辐射冰醋酸和过氧化氢氧化法联合脱除原煤中有机硫的技术。The high sulfur coal was treated in acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide oxidation under microwave radiation.

原煤可选性曲线是选煤厂管理和设计的必不可少的基础资料。Raw coal washability curves provide essential basic data for management and design of coal preparation plants.

生物质的着火特性、燃尽特性等燃烧性能明显优于原煤。The combustion characteristic of biomass is significantly better than raw coal's, such as ignition and burnout.

原煤中硫的烧失率与煤中全硫、有机硫和无机硫的含量关系密切。The loss on ignition of sulfur in raw coal is related to contents of total sulfur, organic and inorganic sulfur.

若采用风选选煤,投资少、见效快,是提高原煤质量一个很好的途径。If uses the dry separation coal dressing, invests few, effective quick, enhances a raw coal quality very good way.

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从2000年起将炭黑尾气全部回收作为煤焦油加工生产线和发电厂锅炉用燃料,代替原煤。Since 2000, we have recycled carbon black off-gas instead of raw coal as fuel for coal tar process and power plant.

原煤直销是一种直接销售未经任何加工的原料商品煤的社会经济现象。Raw coal direct selling is a social economic phenomenon in which raw coal from mines is marketed without any processing.

根据美国美国能源部的消息,中国队原煤的依赖使其2007年的碳排放超过美国。The reliance on coal saw China surpass the U.S. in carbon emissions in 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.