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砖块是沉重的。The brick is heavy.

我的房子由砖块构成。My house is made of brick.

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他像一吨重的砖块一样沉下去!He sank like a ton of bricks!

用砖块顶住大门使其关不上。Prop the gate open with a brick.

砖块哗啦一声砸入了窗户。A brick crashed through the window.

砖块被太阳晒干了。The bricks were desiccated by the sun.

他们常使用砖块砌房子。They often use bricks to build houses.

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过道由古旧的砖块铺就。The aisle was floored with ancient bricks.

然后再底基上加砖块或者石头。We then maybe add a real brick or stone base.

好,我用渐变工具完成了水管、山、砖块。Yes, that's right. The gradient tool is evil.

酒店大厅到处是散落的碎玻璃和砖块。The hotel lobby was a mess of glass and bricks.

我丢砖块是因为没有人停下来,小男孩儿声泪俱下。I threw the brick because no one else would stop.

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砖块材料则会破碎成一块块更小的砖。Brick buildings will break into individual bricks.

首先,砖块的堆砌不需要灰泥。First, blocks were stacked without guides or mortar.

在一个庭院里面有一堆砖块。There was a pile of bricks in one of the courtyards.

这些突起的砖块同时也可作为鸟儿栖息的地方。These juts are also functioning as roosts for birds.

他们是搬运砖块与筑巢的专家。They are the scuffing bricks and moder of the nests.

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当震动砖块的时候,夹在其中的砂浆就溶解了。When you shake brick, the mortar in between dissolves.

请给我一些砖块,我想要盖一间新房子。Please give me some bricks. I want to build a new house.

这一关里有些砖块跟看上去的不一样。Some of the bricks in this level are not what they seem.