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这个失踪男子的名字叫刘小平。He was Liu Xiaoping.

我的宠物猫失踪了。My pet cat disappeared.

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何文在6月2号失踪。He Wen went missing June 2.

莫丽的确失踪了。Mollie in fact was missing.

很可能是一桩失踪案。And perhaps a disappearance.

已贴出通告宣布该船失踪。The ship was posted missing.

养蜂场有人失踪吗?Anyone Missing at the Apiary?

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你难道是哪位失踪已久的老表?Are you some long-lost cousin?

超过四百人失踪。Four-hundred more are missing.

目前仍有一些人失踪。Some are still unaccounted for.

他们找到失踪的男孩没有?Have they found the missing boy?

没人注意到他失踪了。No one noticed his disappearance.

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那么,这些失踪的热量去哪儿了呢?So where did the missing heat go?

目前仍然有几十个人失踪。Dozens of people are still missing.

但是雷诺·莱马里失踪了。But Renaud Leymarie had disappeared.

到所有厕所找失踪人员。Search all W. C for missing persons.

一日刷牙三遍脂肪失踪不见?Brushing 3 Times a Day Keeps Flab Away?

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搜索队发现了失踪的人。The search party found the lost person.

聘请印度工人,珠宝失踪。Get Indian workers, jewelleries missing.

城市Incas的失踪依然成谜Lost city of the Incas remains a mystery