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门口来了一位求婚者。A suitor is outside.

他踮起脚走到门口。He tipped to the door.

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莫利向门口走去。Molly went to the door.

我朝车门口走去。I moved towards the door.

海利站在门口怒容满面。They held up at the gate.

他们从门口向屋里张望。They look in at the door.

洛林在门口开玩笑道。Loring jokes from the door.

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芬趴在房门口往里窥视。Fern peered through the door.

我把梅布尔送到门口。I escorted Mable to the door.

莫丽费森出现在门口。Maleficent appears in the door.

蹑著脚尖走到门口再回来。Tiptoe to the doorway and back.

你能在门口把我撂下吗?。Can you drop me off at the gate?

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他迈着摇摇晃晃的醉步走到门口。He weaved drunkenly to the door.

他迈著摇摇晃晃的醉步走到门口。He weaved drunkenly to the door.

那只狗正朝门口走去。The dog is heading for the door!

这桌子放在门口太碍事了.The table at door is in the way.

灯光从门口照射出来。A light blazed out from the door.

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门口站着一名手持武器的士兵。By the door stood an armed guard.

对方说。我现在要把这双套鞋放在门口。I will put them here by the door.

“贝尔图乔,”管家立刻在门口出现了。The steward appeared at the door.