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我们安全地溜过了敌人的哨卡。We slipped safely through the enemy's post.

废弃的边界警卫哨卡。This frontier guard station is abandoned now.

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巴基斯坦方面声称,阿富汗只部署了大约100个类似的安全哨卡。It says in Afghanistan, there are about 100 such security posts.

一位叛乱分子告诉正在通过他的哨卡前往贝达的司机。one rebel fighter told drivers passing his checkpoint on the way to Bayda.

秦天罡驾车猛的冲出哨卡,伪军无法阻拦,眼睁睁看车开远了。Qin highest day driving fiercely rushed out of the hut, ana cannot stop, only a car drive away.

反对派武装人员在的黎波里各个入口均设置了哨卡,盘查当地过往车辆。The opposition fighters in tripoli each entry set agents are local, quarantine passing vehicles.

2011也不像是未来这块腹地中一个更遥远的哨卡,1971年也曾经是这样。It’s not as though 2011 is a remoter outpost in the hinterland of the future than, say, 1971 was.

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自上个星期发生事件后,巴基斯坦已经禁止北约物资通过位于开伯尔山口的北方哨卡。After last week's incident, Pakistan barred NATO cargo from the northern crossing in the Khyber Pass.

三个月之后,当Parker想要离开的时候,就只有货物才能安全通过军队的哨卡。After three months, Parker wanted out, but goods were the only safe passage through the army cordons.

车子正走着被日本人的哨卡拦住说影佐要找帅飘。Cars are walking by the Japanese posts stopped said shadow assist to find handsome gone with the wind.

驾车穿越城市,反卡战士监督着几百个哨卡。As you drive down the streets, fighters opposed to Muammar Gaddafi are manning hundreds of checkpoints.

它以前归赫特人齐罗所有,用来把违禁香料走私运出海关哨卡。It had previously belonged to Ziro the Hutt, and was used to smuggle illegal spice through customs checkpoints.

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用你手中的武器去消灭敌人,而重武器则用来摧毁敌人的炮台、车辆与哨卡。Use you weapons to eliminate the enemy, use heavy weapons to destroy enemy emplacements, vehicles and gun posts.

哨卡将打开,岗楼将撤空,长期分隔两地的亲人终将团聚。And checkpoints will open and watchtowers will stand empty, and families long separated will finally be reunited.

哨卡被闯,高木怀疑与三林有关,三林谎称自己遭遇了土匪袭击。Posts have been rush, azusa suspected to be connected with three Lin, three falsely claim Lin suffered bandits attack.

山下收到命令后慌忙向上海机场飞去,周将军命沿途哨卡观察情况。Under the order received to fly to Shanghai airport hurriedly, weeks along the general life observation control points.

关口将地图外面的部分和内部密室分开,而不可破坏的地形会引导玩家必须从哨卡进入。Indestructible terrain funnels the player through a chokepoint that divides the outer section of the compound from the inner sanctum.

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激进分子在地区重镇米兰沙赫袭击了一个安全哨卡并占领了几座政府建筑后爆发了战斗。The clashes began when militants attacked a security outpost in the region's main town of Miranshah and seized several government buildings.

在一个被红色可口可乐旗子装饰的停车处,一名美国训狗人员对正在被阿富汗安全哨卡人员搜身的记者们咆哮地指挥着。In a parking lot festooned with red Coke flags, an American dog handler barks commands at journalists being frisked by Afghan security agents.

近年来忙于拍片,但不论是在军营、海岛,还是大草原、小哨卡,他的锻炼都未间断过。Busy in recent years pat piece, but it is no matter in barback, island, still be card of llano , small post, his take exercise not discontinuous over-.