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我抚摸着基斯的头发。I stroked Keith's hair.

她抚摸着小猫。She stroked the kitten.

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但是要抚摸它。But touch the cat and--.

他抚摸着他的小狗。He petted his little dog.

我轻轻地抚摸他的脸。I gently stroked his face.

我抚摸它,与它说话。I petted and talked to her.

如果你愿意请用双手抚摸吧。Use both hands if you wish.

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她轻轻地抚摸他的双臂。She gently stroked his arms.

怜爱地抚摸着孩子。The nurse fondled the child.

保姆怜爱地抚摸着孩子。The nurse fondled the child.

我手抚摸他那柔软的毛,哦!I caressed his soft hair, oh!

高高的草丛中,我抚摸着她in the tall grasses, I feel her

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她深情地抚摸着他的面颊。She caressed his cheek lovingly.

保姆怜爱地抚摸着孩子。The nurse fondled the child fondly.

他温柔地抚摸着她的脸。Spent. He strokes her face tenderly.

他走向它,抚摸着它的头。He steps to it, and strokes its head.

他抚摸她的胳膊,她将脸转向他。He touched her arm, and she faced him.

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她抚摸着他的手说,“哦,罗杰,你真那样认为吗?”Oh, Roger, do you really feal that way?

他伸出手抚摸着它的肩膀。He reached out and touched her shoulder.

它抚摸你的屁股,你感到很舒服。It caresses your bottom. It is soothing.