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他被国王册封为侯爵。He was conferred marquess by the king.

父王,看我的薄面,今日册封他为骑士吧。Father, for my sake, knight him this day.

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没想到,却要用在我的册封大典上。However, it is now used in my coronation.

1972年被教皇册封为圣格里高利骑士指挥官。In 1972 he was made a Knight Commander of St.

贞德最后于1920年被册封为圣人。Eventually, Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920.

万历帝决定册封丰臣秀吉为日本国王。Wanli emperor decided was conferring the king of Japan.

女王陛下依法征得他劫掠所得的一半财富,并册封他为皇家骑士。The Queen took fifty percent of the treasure and knighted him.

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赵轻盈善舞,宠冠后宫,册封为后。Zhao light and a good dancer, pet crown Temple, canonized as after.

离册封大典还有两天,我怕我绣不好。The coronation is only two days away. I fear this will not be ready in time.

在过去的历史话剧,这主要是册封的文体创新。In the history of drama, it is primarily canonized for its stylistic innovations.

我可不希望在我的册封大典上,你也这样表现。为什么你表演的时候要戴面具?I hope that you will do better at my coronation. Why do you wear a mask when you perform?

1953年4月24日,伊莉莎白二世在白金汉宫册封英国政治家丘吉尔为骑士。British statesman Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace.

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传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month.

国王无法拒绝独女的请求,他从王座上站起身,册封小铁匠为骑士。The King couldn't refuse his only daughter. He rose from his throne and knighted the blacksmith.

由于维护祖国统一的功勋卓著,被清王朝册封为郡王。He has remarkable feats in motherland's unification, and was canonized as the Prince by Qing Dynasty.

这是该骑士团首次在香港举行公开的册封仪式。It was the first time the association has held a public investiture Mass for its postulants in Hong Kong.

教宗若望保禄二世决定册封这些知名及不知名的殉道者为圣人,在同一天纪念他们。Pope John Paul II decided to canonize those whose names are known and unknown, giving them a single feast day.

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在二零零九年,首三位香港成员的册封仪式采用私人形式进行。The first three local members were admitted in 2009 in a private ceremony. Hong Kong has no order of chivalry.

任何人自称为王,而不受元老院册封,那就是叛国罪。Anybody who set himself up as king, without being appointed king by the Senate, that was itself an act of treason.

感激地领主册封伊利丹为自己的私人法师并对他的勇气和魔法十分赞赏。The grateful noble made Illidan his personal sorcerer and placed great faith in his young protégé's courage and magic.