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乐队开始演奏婚礼进行曲。The band struck up the wedding march.

那年我们在大街上唱着进行曲We sang war songs on the boulevards that year

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从来没用芭比娃娃玩过什么结婚进行曲。Never played "Here comes the bride" with my Barbies.

这首歌结合了拉格泰姆音乐和进行曲乐队音乐的要素。This song is a combination of Ragtime and march elements.

我要你们一边前进一边唱这首进行曲!March! And I want to hear that marching song as you do it!

钢琴师弹奏结婚进行曲送走这幸福的一对。The pianist played the happy pair out with the wedding March.

现在,狮子开始听到军队进行曲的欢快乐曲声了。Now the lion began to hear the joyous sounds of a military march.

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古典吉他谱第二辑阿瓜多12首圆舞曲,进行曲,主题和变奏。Classical Guitar Music Volume 2 12 Waltzes, March, Theme and Variations.

乐队的保留剧目包括进行曲和其他形式的音乐。The repertory of a concert band includes marches, and other forms of music.

15对宠物狗"新人"伴随着婚礼进行曲踏上了红地毯。Fifteen dog couples were walking the red carpet as the wedding march was played.

三位小提琴手已架好琴弓,随时准备演奏婚礼进行曲。Three violinists, with their bows in the air, stood ready to play the wedding song.

突然一首进行曲演奏了起来,这廿五个士兵便开始随着音乐踏步前进。Suddenly a march was heard and the twenty-five soldiers began to march to the music.

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威廉在演讲中放了一段柯克船长要求技师斯科特进行曲速飞行的视频。The physicist showed a video clip of Kirk telling engineer Scotty to go to warp speed.

本为西班牙之进行曲,音乐雄壮威武,舞蹈风格阳刚味十足。This is Spain's march, a mighty and majestic music, dance style full masculine flavor.

除了参加进行曲和音乐会管乐队外,我还参加了我们的“星尘”舞蹈乐队。In addition to the marching and concert bands, I joined our dance band, the Stardusters.

乐观是一首激昂优美的进行曲,时刻鼓舞着你向事业的大路勇猛前进。——大仲马。Optimism is a passionate beautiful moment of march, inspiring you to cause the road ahead.

跳这种舞的音乐,或以这种舞的节拍演奏的音乐,常常编成进行曲的形式在斗牛时演奏。Music for or in the rhythm of this dance, set in march time and often played at bullfights.

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丰田的类人机器人能够用小提琴演奏“威风凛凛进行曲”只是还有些呆板。Toyota has a humanoid robot that plays "Pompand Circumstance" on the violin — rather robotically.

伴着结婚进行曲,两只白色的比熊犬身穿鲜艳的礼服走上红地毯。As the wedding march was played, 2 white Bichon Frise wearing gorgeous dresses walked up the red carpet.

我看过室外剧院里小型的喷泉随着苏泽的进行曲舞动就激起人们情不自禁的掌声。I saw the smaller fountains in the open-air theatre dancing to a Sousa march and broke into spontaneous applause.