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花茎甘蓝是花吗?Is broccoli a flower?

点解个天甘蓝?Why is the sky so blue?

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我们也可以泡制红甘蓝。We can also pickle red cabbage.

法车煎炸的和布鲁塞尔芽甘蓝,先生。French fries and Brussels sprouts, sir.

好吧注释就是个球芽甘蓝。Well this is a brussels sprouts comment.

当芜菁甘蓝也没有了,你吃稀粥。When the turnips are gone, you eat gruel.

你要白甘蓝、红甘蓝心菜还是大白菜种子?Do you want white, red or Chinese cabbage seeds?

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在下一圈种植芜菁甘蓝和甜菜。In the next section , plant rutabagas and beets.

或者建议人们吃球芽甘蓝。Or recommending that people eat Brussels sprouts.

芥末苹果、抱子甘蓝和香芹。Brussels sprouts with mustard, apples and caraway.

蘸香辣芝麻酱的糙米、甘蓝、黑豆Spicy tahini sauce on brown rice, kale, black beans

他坐着不比身旁的甘蓝高多少。Sitting down, he wasn't much higher than the collards.

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在四周老甘蓝植物叶上有暗紫色。Dull purple flush on leaf of four week old swede plant.

译成大白话就是“甘蓝识了字,就叫花菜了”。Cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education.

甘蓝海滩和麦科诺斯岛是全球十大沙滩的第九和第十名。Cabbage Beach and Mykonos are ninth and tenth on the countdown.

作品中也用到了南瓜、白萝卜和甘蓝。Pumpkin, green radish, cabbage were also used in the composition.

我试了试泡菜这道名菜是用豆芽、海藻和芜箐甘蓝等所做成。I sampled kimchi dishes made with bean sprouts, seaweed and turnip.

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甘蓝也含有充分的萝卜硫素,另一种癌症预防剂。Kale is also full of sulforaphane, another cancer-prevention agent.

将生的卷心菜切成细丝,可以做成甘蓝沙拉和其他的沙拉。Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in coleslaw and other salads.

富含该营养素的天然食物有萝卜、洋葱、甘蓝、水芹。The natural nutrient-rich foods are carrots, onions, cabbage, cress.