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他是医务界的一员。He's a member of the medical fraternity.

对VCT医务工作者的选择性。Alternative to the medical personnel of VCT.

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灾区还需要医务人员。Medical personnel also are needed, Luu said.

传统医务人员可能未获认证,或无照行医。Practitioners may not be certified or licensed.

医务人员帮助学生受伤,在都江堰市。Medics help students injured in Dujiangyan City.

我是一位中国的医务工作者,高级职称。I am the medical worker of a China, deluxe title.

一个有由16名医务人员组成的医疗队在一旁等待施救。A team of 16 paramedics is standing by to treat the men.

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这里最需要医务人员,特别是外科医生。We're in bad need of medical workers, especially surgeons.

贝基还学会了同医务人员打交道。Becky also became expert at dealing with medical personnel.

这部剧意识到了医务剧必须是那样的。The show realizes that medical dramas have to be just that.

整整40个小时,他的医务人员是那里仅有的治疗单位。For 40 hours, his medics were the only treatment unit there.

许多医务人员实质上是不能解雇的公务员。Many medical staff are in essence unsackable civil servants.

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所有为世博会志愿工作的医务人员都能讲流利的英语。All the medical volunteers for the Expo can speak good english.

周宝宽今年55岁,目前从事医务服务工作。Zhou is 55 years old , and engaged in medical services currently.

获总后勤部优秀医务工作者称号。By the General Logistics Department excellent medical worker title.

所有为世博会工作的志愿医务人员英语都讲得很好。All the medical volunteers for the Expo can speak very good English.

目的调查分析基层医务人员的艾滋病知识与行为态度情况。Objective To study KAP of AIDS among the grass-roots medical workers.

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世卫组织坚决反对由医务人员进行女性生殖器切割。WHO is totally opposed to FGM being carried out by medical personnel.

院办室,政战处,医务行政室。Headquarter Office, Political Warfare Division, Medical Admin. office.

如何有效的防治老年皮肤瘙痒症已成为医务工作者亟待解决的课题。It is imperative for medical workers to find ways to cure this disease.