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我会为你擂鼓助威。I'll bang the drum for you.

姚明在接受记者采访时称,“感觉很棒,各国旗帜飘扬,观众们在场边欢呼助威。”It felt great, all the flags and cheering.

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殷为那些野蛮的助威者,劂球比赛郴得不暂停。The football had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.

等也将作为助威团成员为“九连”助阵。And so on will also boost the morale of members as the "Nine" back.

看上去我们似乎是在为主队喝彩助威,而对客队却喝倒彩起哄。It seems as if we were barracking for home team as against the visiting team.

炽热的色彩在秋风的助威中踏上了每年一次的对群山的征程。Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by autumn winds.

我们特意赶到这儿是为给中国乒乓球队助威。We go out of our way to be here just for cheering for the Chinese table tennis team.

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因为我妈要第一个上去唱歌,我们这些亲友团为她加油助威,呵呵!My mother will sing a song as the first programme. We all went to cheer her up, haha!

英国和爱尔兰狮队的教练克来夫·伍德沃还专门邀请威廉王子到场为该队加油助威。Royal aides said he was invited to support the British Lions by the team's coach, Clive Woodward.

人们通常欢呼击鼓为自己喜爱的龙舟队伍加油助威。There is usually a lot of cheering and drum-beating to urge the favorite teams to the finishing line.

日前,因赞助商要求,菲尔普斯正在佛州坦帕参加为美国超级碗举行的助威活动。Phelps was in Tampa, Fla., during Super Bowl week for promotional appearances for one of his sponsors.

他们和其他人一样也是英格兰的球迷,所以如果他们想到现场助威,这也没有任何问题。They’re England fans as much as everyone else, so if they want to be at the games, there’s no problem.

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起初,并没有球迷助威或鼓掌,他们静静地坐着吃湖人队提供的盒饭。At first the fans didn't cheer, or applaud, as they sat quietly eating the box lunches the Lakers provided.

燃烧的竹筒在风雨中从村民们手中一个一个传递下去,加油助威的口号沸腾了整个小村庄。The flaming bamboos were handed on in their hands, and their cheering could be heard everywhere in the rain.

球迷助威下过雨的竞争车手在第六阶段,2011年7月7日之间迪南和LISIEUX。Fans cheer on riders competing under the rain during the sixth stage between Dinan and Lisieux on July 7, 2011.

虽然这一黎巴嫩组织在一旁为哈马斯加油助威,然而自己却无法加入战斗。While the Lebanese group has been cheering on Hamas from the sidelines, it has refrained from entering the fray.

菲尔克劳夫说利物浦已经拥有王者心态,他们能够在球迷助威中赢得任何东西。Fairclough says the Reds now have a winning mentality and can achieve anything when their fans are in full voice.

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他们和这里原有的六只大熊猫一起组成了“亚运助威团”。They joined six other pandas that were already at the park to form what has been termed an Asian Games Panda Group.

韩国队的球迷们把自己称作“红魔”,身着与球队球衣相同的红色,为球队加油助威。Korean supporters, who call themselves the "Red Devils" show their support for the team by wearing the team colour, red.

多场馆的日间票和场地之间的免费交通换乘可以确保观众给运动员们加油助威。Multi-venue day tickets and free transport between venues will ensure every athlete enjoys passionate and vocal support.