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维护朝鲜半岛和平稳定是人心所向。Maintain peace and stability on the Korean peninsula is people oriented.

严厉打击受贿犯罪是人心所向。Cracking down upon the crime of accepting bribes is the popular sentiment.

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毕竟,和平、稳定、发展乃是人心所向,大势所趋。After all, peace, stability and development but the people, the general trend.

加速开发建设黄河三角洲己成为众望所归、人心所向。The accelerated development of the Yellow River delta is the popular sentiment.

流程再造架起发展的思路,合乎规律,人心所向!Process reengineering the development of thought, useful to set rules, people oriented!

中国实施对外开放的方针没有变,也不会变。改革开放是中国的基本国策,是人心所向。Opening up remains China's basic state policy and enjoys the support of the Chinese people.

改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only way which develop china, what is will of people, follow the trend, can't reverse.

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今天,实现中国的统一,是人心所向,大势所趋。Reunification of China today is consonant with popular sentiment and the general trend of development.

改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only way to develop China. Reform meets expectation of people,which is a unreversible trend.

改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only way to make China thrives. It's the trend people would like it and it cannot be reversed.

改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only way to revive China,the popular sentiment,the trend of the times,and can not be reversed.

改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only way to develop China, it is the willings of people, the main tending and it can be returned.

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改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only one way of developing meets people's heart and the marketing .it can't be irreversibility.

当前求和平、谋发展、促合作是大势所趋,人心所向。To seek peace and development and promote cooperation are general trends and expectations of peoples around the world.

多西认为自己的回归是人心所向,而且他并不后悔自己早些年的行为。Dorsey doesn't view his return as anything but a welcome one, and he doesn't regret any of his actions over the last few years.

运动员的理想信念、精神状态和人心所向,最终决定有中国特色竞技体育事业的成败。Athletes' belief, spirit and thought determine the final result of competitive sports construction with Chinese characteristics.

发展中*国与葡语国*家的经贸合作,符合双方的根本利益,是大势所趋、人心所向。To advance the economic cooperation and trade between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries is in the fundamental interest of both sides.

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杨洁篪表示,进一步发展中国-东盟战略合作是人心所向,符合双方根本利益。He indicated that to further develop China-ASEAN strategic partnership is the desire of the people and serves the fundamental interests of both sides.

改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。Reform is the only way to revigorate China, it's the irreversible trend. 6. What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range.

当前,建设服务政府、责任政府、法治政府已成举国之人心所向。At present, building a service-oriented government, a duty-oriented government and the rule of law-oriented government has become the common aspiration of the people nationwide.