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非我族类,有什么必要对它们讲究公平。The race, what I need to pay them justice.

冈根人至少有两个明显的族类。There are at least two distinct Gungan races.

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在基督里,我们将会成为一个在圣洁中成长的族类。In Christ we will be a people growing in holiness.

这种性状元素不会跨族类的发生变化。This is the one sex-specific element that didn't change across species.

在这情况下“我们”意指所有生命分享的DNA互连族类网络。"We" in this case means the interspecies' network of DNA shared by all life.

单人或跟队友杀死非我族类的怪物是不好的。Killing things that are new and different is bad, alone or with another ODST.

因着十字架的缘故,亚当的族类有可能全然与神和好。Through the cross, it was possible that all of Adam's race could be reconciled.

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德拉克博士说,对观察力敏锐的外星族类来说,数字电视信号就像噪音。To a race of observing aliens, digital TV signal would like noise, said Dr Drake.

主要是白人和亚洲族类丢失了锚定的能力。It is predominately the White and Asian races that have lost their ability to ground.

这样,昴宿星族类将很难不再去体验他们被回归的业力。As such the Pleiadian race will be hard pressed not to experience their returning karma.

索尔兽是一种奇怪的生物,一种奴仆一样的族类,经常是死了比活着有用。The Thrull is a curious animal, a servant race that is often more useful dead than alive.

他们在那里大大的害怕,因为上帝在义人的族类中。There they are, overwhelmed with dread, for God is present in the company of the righteous.

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该属植物主要以黄酮、萜、甾族类化合物为主。Flavonol, flavonol glycoside, steroid and terpenes were previously isolated from this genus.

我们的有意识梦想使我们族类与地球上的全部其他族类相互联系在一起。Our conscious dreaming interconnects our species to all others and all other species upon earth.

实现了怪物或者宠物的主动攻击,当玩家攻击自己的族类。Implement aggro creatures at attack by player or pet creature from his family. Patch provided by darka.

十二个螺旋的形成将不意味你们将彻底成为有知识的一个族类。The formation of the twelve helixes will not mean that you will become completely informed as a species.

你们的族类有其他可以采取的方向,我将试图我你们指明。There are other directions that your race can take, and I'm trying to point out those directions to you.

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一块叫鲁塔斯的大陆是一块极广大的大陆,在印度东面的遥远地方,上面居住的是一个崇拜太阳的族类。A land called Rutas was an immense continent far to the east of India and home to a race of sun-worshippers.

安吉拉·马里亚诺,我们这片儿的不良女生,比我们都大上了两岁,就像是某种上级,令人心生敬畏的族类。Angela Mariano, our local bad girl, was two years older than us and like some superior, awe-inducing species.

灵魂载具的功能被降低或缩减到能调和相称地共感以让这族类感知到灵魂?The soul carrier function is muted or diminished in proportional sympathy to the species' perception of soul.