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另例真菌性肉芽肿。Here is another fungal granuloma.

很多真菌具有不完全隔膜。Many fungi have incomplete septa.

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但是,这次检验没有发现真菌。But the fungus is no longer alive.

用抗真菌香波给他洗澡。Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo.

玫瑰花得了真菌病。The roses are suffering from fungus.

霉菌和真菌迅速弃土烟草。Mold and fungus spoil tobacco quickly.

攻瑰容易患真菌病。Roses are very prone to fungal disease.

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一名树木专家表示,刺桐被真菌侵蛀。A tree expert said it was eroded by fungus.

这可能会导致真菌在面包上生长。This could cause mold to grow on the bread.

此份列表将着重阐述十种主要的真菌。This list looks at ten significant funguses.

室内的环境的真菌学的方面。Mycological aspects of the indoor environment.

雨水太多会令花园因长真菌而枯萎。Too much rain may blight the garden with mold.

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化合物3,4,10也表现出较高的抗真菌活性。Compounds 3, 10 and 4 also had high activities.

涂抹抗真菌乳膏也能治脚气。Athlete’s foot is treated with antifungal cream.

氟吗啉是新型内吸性杀真菌剂。Flumorph is a newly invented systemic fungicide.

蕨类植物、苔藓和真菌通过孢子传播蔓生。Ferns, mosses and fungi spread by means of spores.

真菌学清除率也维持在较高水平。The clearance rate of fungi is comparatively high.

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余杭市大型野生真菌资源比较丰富。Yuhang City has rich resources of wild macrofungi.

不过,它是可以治疗与抗真菌霜。However, it can be treated with anti-fungal creams.

这些被称为腐菌或分解纤维素的真菌。Those are called decay fungi or cellulolytic fungi.