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如何能避免刑事错案?How to avoid miscarriage cases?

所有刑事原告暗示不伏罪。All the accused pleaded not guilty.

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约翰杰伊刑事司法学院John Jay College of Criminal Justice

也许我该做个刑事律师。Perhaps I should be a criminal lawyer.

刑事诉状的措辞不正确。The indictment was incorrectly worded.

刑事处罚不科学。The criminal punishment is not scientific.

他们正在复查一桩刑事案件。They were reinvestigating a criminal case.

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在刑事案件中,王室法律顾问可以单独出庭。In criminal cases a q. c. may appear alone.

第一部分,刑事初查制度概述。The first part is the outline of the system.

刑事警察是警察序列中的一个单独警种。Criminal police is a separate type of police.

他因为盗窃被刑事拘留。He was held in criminal custody due to theft.

其刑事管辖权在下文讨论。Its criminal jurisdiction is discussed below.

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刑事案件中“毫无合理怀疑”的证据原则…"Beyond a reasonable doubt" in criminal case.

对刑事系统是负担。It is a burden on the criminal-justice system.

我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。We are placing your son in criminal detention.

我们对那些刑事罪犯将严惩不贷。We will give the criminal offenders shot shrift.

刑事救济规定对受害人进行充分补偿。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

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毒品走私贩仍然会受到刑事起诉。Drug dealers can still be prosecuted as criminals.

国际刑事调查培训援助计划正帮助菲律宾警察部队发展必要的技能。ICITAP is helping it develop the necessary skills.

犯罪嫌疑人目前正被刑事拘留。The suspect is currently under criminal detention.