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四要大力开展科技指导服务。technology services.

欢迎光临指导。Welcome to the guide.

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以此为戒指导生活。Live by this statement.

指导一个孩子或学生。Mentor a child or student.

指导者和拥护者。Mentorship and championing.

在生活中,没有指导手册。In life, there is no manual.

女孩在家庭教师指导下学英文。The girl tutored in English.

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哪个会是我们的指导思想?Now what's gonna be our guide?

指导原则依然是管制。Control is still the watchword.

我是一个导演。我指导排戏。I'm a director. I direct plays.

技术指导小组的设置。Technical Steering Group setup.

用你的预写作为指导。Use your prewriting as a guide.

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右边的同学请看指导语。And everybody on this half obey.

我期待获得你们的指导。I look forward to your guidance.

基督教有它自己的指导。Christianity has its instruction.

我问阿达玛和他的指导。I ask for Adama and His guidance.

樊少皇指导演员动作。Louis Fan is teaching the actors.

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她指导她的侄女练唱。She coaches her niece in singing.

指导演员排练武打场面。The actors rehearsed their parts.

你们两个组都看到指导语。You--Each group had instructions.