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你老娘喜欢给你准备剥好的菱角和雪豆。Your mother made you peel water chestnuts and snow peas.

先把自己的菱角磨圆就不会处处碰到别人的尖角。Round Your Rough Edges. Than You Will Not Bump Against Others.

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那棵菱角就又安安稳稳浮在水面上生长去了。The water chestnut floated placidly there, where it would grow.

顺手从水里捞上一棵菱角来,菱角还很嫩很小,乳白色。One of them scooped up a water chestnut, still tiny and milky white.

比较远的寺庙可以乘三轮车过去,从中华寺到萨迦寺那一带是15卢比。路上也有妇女在卖菱角。Rickshaws can be hired to go around. From Chinese Temple to Sakya Monastery costs 15 Rupee.

另一种南方独有的中秋美食就是形状古怪的菱角。Another uniquely southern addition to the Mid-Autumn Festival is the strangely shaped water caltrop.

雪花激起了爱情的波浪,让我在她的菱角上画上了你的影子。The snowflake had irritated the waves of love and made me outline your form on her edges and corners.

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膝前一张矮桌,每人面前一只茶杯,一撮瓜子,一大堆菱角壳。A tea cup, a pinch of dried melon seeds and a heap of water chestnut shells were in front of each of them.

塔檐用砖砌叠涩挑出十三层,从下往上四层和第八层挑出菱角牙子。Canopy with brick tower Corbel Shi Sanceng out, bottom-up four-and eighth-out water chestnut son of teeth.

目的分离提取菱角粗多糖并进行体外抑瘤作用研究。Objective To extract the crude polysaccharides from water-caltrop and to study their antitumor effect in vitro.

池塘荷叶荷花下是美丽的小鱼在清澈的水总嬉戏,我们边划边采一些菱角。Lotus pond under the leaves are beautiful fish in the clear water of the play our edge is taken after some caltrop.

弱极性大孔树脂AB-8用于野生菱角壳提取物中的黄酮类化合物的分离纯化。A macroporous resin AB-8 was used to separate and purify the flavone compounds from the shell of wild water chestnut.

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一群身着汉服的青年男女,各自手捧水碗、石榴、菱角、莲藕、柿子款款出场。Boys and Girls with clothes of Han Dynasty, come out with water bowls, guavas, water caltrops, lotus roots and persimmons.

不谙世事却又菱角分明,清涩懵懂却又能看透世态炎凉。Caltrop unfamiliar things but distinct, clear astringent ignorant but can be seen through inconstancy of human relationships.

其他生长在有水环境作物,如莲藕,菱角,和水菠菜也往往含有高水平砷。Other crops grown in watery environments such as lotus, water chestnut, and water spinach also tend to have high arsenic levels.

烈阳西斜,天色渐暗,反射着白光的大地也慢慢褪出了原来的菱菱角角。Lie Yang West Ramp, the sky dimming, reflecting the white light of the earth are slowly faded out of the original Lingling angle corner.

他建议避免在发型上做得很尖锐,譬如有菱角的BOB头,或是等齐的刘海,这样会使额头和下巴看上去更宽。He recommends avoiding "sharp" cuts, like angled bobs or styles with blunt-cut bangs, which can emphasize an already-broad forehead and chin.

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莲池潭过去是一个大型蓄水埤塘,周边遍布菱角田,一度成为水雉的最大聚集地。Lotus Lake used to be a huge basin surrounded by a lotus and water caltrop field, causing it to become the habitat of pheasant-tailed jacanas.

介绍了菱角的营养价值、保健功能,以及菱角产品的开发现状及研发趋势。This paper introduced the nutrient value and the health-care function of water chestnut, the research of relative products are also summarized.

菱角湾坐落于国家级著名风景名胜区---大连南部海滨风景区的中部。Coastal Road, the location of Caltrop Bay is located in the famous national scenic spots --- Dalian Scenic Area south of the central waterfront.