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当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。That day,he ate his fill.

我们接连数周饱餐了父亲猎得的鹿肉。The flesh of a deer used as food.

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他还称每天为孩子们提供三顿饱餐。He said he fed them three square meals.

他洗了一把脸,然后饱餐一顿。He washed himself, and ate a hearty meal.

他要饱餐一顿肥猪肉。He would make a feast of the portly grunter.

有时饱餐秀色后腻到化不开。Sometime all full with feasting on your sight.

我们接连数周饱餐了父亲猎得的鹿肉。We feasted for weeks on the deer that daddy shot.

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饱餐一顿之后,我就很困了。After I ate that heavy meal, I became very sleepy.

木瓜奶昔配黑加仑力娇酒是饱餐后的完美点缀。Papaya cream is a nice final touch for any hearty meal.

我们上星期天在她家饱餐一顿。We ate to our heart ' s content at her home last Sunday.

等空闲时它会回来饱餐一顿。But she will return to feast upon the trophy at her leisure.

抓起你最喜爱的美食饱餐一顿,然后静静地呆在那里?Graba piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?

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刚孵出的石蚕蛾吸引它们到这里饱餐一顿。They're here to feed on a glut of newly hatched cadis flies.

抓起你最喜爱的美食饱餐一顿,然后静静地呆在那里?Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?

我其实很喜欢吃鱼肉,但人总是自己饱餐一顿以后,把鲠不下的施舍给猫。I like fish. But people just tend to give me all the leftovers.

这些扭来扭去的生物最爱剩菜剩饭,而且总是迫不及待要饱餐一顿。These wiggly creatures love food scraps and are always eager to eat.

首先去抓鸡捉鱼,饱餐了一顿丰美的农家午餐。First, grab the chicken to catch fish, a hearty meal lush farm lunch.

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曾经有个时候我们不用花1元钱就能饱餐一顿。Eg . There was a time when we could get a good meal for less than 1 yuan.

观察过猫抓猎物以饱餐一顿吗?Have you watched a cat who is trying to catch something tasty for dinner?

我们希望成为客人能在轻松的气氛下能饱餐一顿的餐厅。We want to be a place where you can eat very well in a casual atmosphere.