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若逐词照搬,岂不等于抄袭别人的译文?Isn't it plagiarism if copy word by word?

可阿德说自己的县没办法照搬他们的模式。But Tien said his commune can’t copy them.

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或者,更具体地说,重新思考是否要照搬。Or, more specifically, about whether to copy it.

决不要盲目地机械地照搬洋东西。Never copy foreign thing blindly or mechanically.

决不要盲目地机械地照搬洋东西。Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.

不要盲目地或机械地照搬外国的东西。Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.

要学原文的神,切不可原封不动照搬。Copy the spirit of the original not do it verbatim.

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她们所知道的全部就是“鹦鹉学舌”似地照抄照搬而己。They can copy, "parrot like, " and that is about all.

机械地照搬外国的东西要吃大亏的。Mechanical copying of anything foreign would be disastrous.

你提出了独到的新观点吗?还是只是照搬信息?Do you make a unique new point or are you just regurgitating information?

从那时起,拉丁美洲的文学不过是照搬欧洲模式。After that, a lot of Latin American literature merely aped European models.

可以学习其他导演的风格,但不要原封不动地照搬,你要制作有自己特色的电影。Study other people's styles but don't copy them. You have to make your own name.

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事实上,在现代城市中不可能全盘照搬传统的骑楼建筑形式。In fact, it is impossible to copy totally the traditional forms in modern cities.

反对党的一些政策已被政府照搬照用。Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government.

实施素质教育不能搞短期行为,不能沿袭过去的工作路数、照搬传统工作模式。The quality education is a long-term work and can't use the traditional way of work.

但斯特拉文斯基从不照搬别人的作品,而是在别人的基础上有所发展。But Stravinsky never copied the work of others. He let his own music develop from it.

商业上,屡见照搬的产品在中国失败的例子。Commercial, copying have been frequent failure of the products in the Chinese example.

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而无性繁殖就是全盘照搬父母的基因,即克隆。Asexuals , on the other hand, are genetically identical to their parent — they are clones.

披露内容大部分为空话、套话,甚至有的照搬以前年度的报告内容。Disclosure content mostly empty words, rhetoric, and even some copy before the annual report.

更关键的是,贝塔斯曼最终选择了在中国照搬法国经营直营店的经验。More crucial is that Bertelsmann decided to copy the French business in China Guide experience.