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谢谢王老师,诲人不倦!Thank you ! Teacher Wang!

循循善诱,诲人不倦的是老师。Coaxing, teaching is a teacher.

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学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。祝老师们节日愉快!Tireless, completely, Tao Fenfang, also mood music. Bless you. Happy Teacher's Day!

他们都有良知而诲人不倦的,历为他们都尊重他们的工作。They are all conscientious and assiduous in their teachings, because they respect their work.

他的精神深深的感动了师襄子,直到现在,孔子的名言“学而不厌,诲人不倦”仍是我们的座右铭。Even today, Confucius's edification of "Being insatiable in learning" is still regarded as a motto by most people.

我认为,人物之间的对话方式更加突出了,小驴咿唷成为一名诲人不倦的老师。I'd say there is a more conversational manner between the characters, and Eeyore is a teacher with a lot more to say.

艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。Acheson is a good teacher, giving lessons free of charge, and he is telling the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour.

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大多数教师诲人不倦,他们收入不高,有时还得自己掏钱购买教学用品——只是为了尽自己的一份力。Most teachers work tirelessly, with modest pay, sometimes digging into their own pocket for school supplies -- just to make a difference.

有那么二三十本书本人能够一遍又一遍诲人不倦地阅读,但是这些却让本人连看一眼的兴味都没有。There are twenty or thirty volumes that I have read over and over again, and these are the only ones that I have any desire ever to read at all.

我国一向有“师道尊严”、“尊师重道”的传统,对于教师的作用与角色期待更是高,有“万世之师”之称的孔子以其诲人不倦、因材施教等高尚气节为教师作出了一个近乎“圣人”的定位。China has always had the tradition of showing great respect to the teachers and, accordingly, expects much more out of the role and action of the teachers, to the extent of a sage.

只需学生提出问题教师都诲人不倦地加以指导,并鼓舞学生经过本身地动脑考虑找到解决问题地方法,学生真正成啦进修、勾当地主体。In fact, students are guided by teachers very well when raising the questions, and are encouraged to solve problems by thinking on their own, eventually becoming the voluntary learners.