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陈全请求宦官放了他。Chen Quan requested eunuch to put him.

宦官文化也有很长的传统。There is also a long tradition of eunuch culture.

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当我们临近的时候,有两个宦官出来相迎。As we approached it two eunuchs came out to meet us.

后因弹劾宦官,被流放朔方。Eunuchs for impeachment after being exiled Shuofang.

明宪宗年间,宦官弄权,滥杀贤臣。Ming Kenso years, eunuch excesses, killing Xian Chen.

三千多名宦官如众星捧月般围绕着天子的周遭。Up to 3,000 orbited around the Son of Heaven like satellites.

紫禁城宦官之多举世独步。There were more eunuchs than anyone else in the Forbidden City.

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邓氏被消灭后,宦官李闰、江京专权。Tang been eliminated, the eunuch Li leap, Jiang Jing-authoritarian.

在东方,在宦官群体中,这种人物也并不罕见。In the East, similar characters were not very uncommon among eunuchs.

有一回,年长的那个宦官回过头来,冲我不怀好意地笑了笑。Once the elder of the two turned round, and smiled at me with an evil smile.

而当宦官们见到我,则吓得膝头打颤,跌倒在地。When the eunuchs saw me, their knees shook and they fell upon the ground in fear.

明代自成祖开始崇好藏传佛教,宦官也因之深受影响。Tibetan Buddhism was praised highly during the period of Emperor Chengzu in Ming Dynasty.

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宦官,太监某些亚洲宫廷内,在内宫侍候。A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.

当时一位名叫蔡伦的宦官决定发明一种更新更好的书写材料。A court official named Cai Lun was determined to develop a new and better writing material.

殿内的彩塑侍从人物,有四名宦官及几名男装侍女。Other figures in the temple include four eunuchs and a few female servants in men's clothes.

唐代宦官的权势经安史之乱发生了重大的变化。The power of the eunuch had taken place great changes since An-shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty.

唐代后期枢密使的设置则为宦官控制政权提供了机会。The privy position in late Tang Dynasty provided opportunities for the eunuch to usurp power.

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徽宗的公开策立者固然是向太后,其幕后拥立者很可能是宦官郝随。His public sponsor is surely Xiang Tai Hou, while his private supporter is most likely eunuch Hao Sui.

博物馆专门介绍中国两千年宦官历史展示了一把专用于去势的刀子。The museum dedicated to China's 2,000-year history of eunuchs displays a knife that was used in castration.

本案涉及文宗试图崇树外戚,厚植太后党,以作为结合南衙朝官对抗宦官集团的筹码。In this case, the emperor Wen-tsung attempted to enlarge the power of The Empress Dowager's political party.