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这些购置是用现款支付的。The purchases were paid for with cash.

我手头没有现钱,我没有现款。I have no cash in hand--I am out of cash.

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我没带现款,我可以用支票付款吗?I have no cash on me. May I pay by check?

我们收现款可以打八折。We can allow 20 percent for cash payment.

鲍勃将一部分债券兑成了现款付了账。Bob paid the bill by cashing in some bonds.

你最好马上卖掉摩托车换成现款。You'd better encash your motorcycle at once.

我手头没有现钱,我没有现款。Eg. I have no cash in hand--I am out of cash.

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如以现款支付,请亲临本中心交与负责人。Payment by cash to be made only at the Centre.

我打算在六天内把所有的现款全部提走。I intend to close my deposit account in six days.

10年后,人们仅用信用卡进行现款交易。In 10 years people will only use cards for money.

我不知道是否可以不用现款拍发电报。I wonder if I can send cables without cash payment.

现款跟账上的数目没有出入。Cash on hand tallies with the figure in the accounts.

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我们现款不足,只好打消买房子的念头。Lack of cash foced us to scrap plans for a new house.

其他善举还包括捐助现款及慈善义捐。Other acts of kindness include cash donations and charity.

会计利润是好,可手头现款才是能拿来付账单的。Accounting profits are nice, but cold cash is what pays the bills.

在这段时间里,他把能弄到手的票据都小心谨慎地兑成现款。He used the time to carefully cash every chip he could put his hands on.

这样的保障应该包含了额外保费和现款支付费用,她说道。Such protections should include affordable premiums and out-of-pocket costs, she added.

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Fonkoze想当天在银行下午5点关门之前就提现款。Fonkoze wanted to withdraw the cash that day, before the banking window closed at 5 p.m.

如果不进行医疗体系改革,你们的保险金额和现款支付费用仍然会飙升。If we do not reform health care, your premiums and out-of-pocket costs will continue to skyrocket.

我们相信美国依然是一个国家,在那比应得的恒量的现款交易竞争更多的生命力。We believe that America is still a country where there is more to life than just a constant struggle for money.