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我马上就开始了。I began at once.

我马上归来。I'll be bck soon.

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气体警报声马上响了起来。GAS ALARMS SHRIEK.

请马上离开吧。Right away please.

马上给我停下来!Stop that at once!

是的,我们马上就到。We ll come to you.

他必须马上回来吗?。Need he nete at once?

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我马上去做。I'll do it in a jiffy.

我马上给你换房。I'll soon change that.

汤姆马上前去帮助兰兰。Tom helps her at once.

我们必须马上出发。We must start at once.

我马上就来陪你。I'll be right with you.

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它马上就要掉下码头了。It tips off of the dock.

马上就要下雨了。It's going to rain soon.

让她马上进来。Have her come in at once.

他的脸色马上阴沉下来。His face scowled at once.

我马上把饭菜端过来。I'll serve you right now.

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马上给律师打电话。Phone the lawyer at once.

典狱长马上开了一张支票。The Warden wrote a check.

一个小锅马上就能变热了的。a little pot is soon hot.