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这个笑话成了茶余饭后的谈资。The joke became dinner-party material.

但是每一桌都要12389元,这也成为了人们茶余饭后的谈资。But each table cost a staggering RMB 12, 389 and it was the talk of the town.

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这些看起来很傻的照片可以使明星持续吸引公众关注并成为人们茶余饭后闲话的焦点。These seemingly silly photos help keep stars in the limelight and the topic of conversation.

好莱乌的“趣闻制造机"通过一个可笑的对比为我们茶余饭后的生活增添了笑料。Leave it to the Hollywood spin-machine to make our day interesting with a ridiculous comparison.

这也是在朋友聚会时,可以作为茶余饭后趣谈的主题。It is also the sort of thing that would have made an interesting talking point at dinner parties.

一时间这事被十里八村广为传播,成为人们茶余饭后的笑谈。For a time this matter has been ten-mile village of eight widely disseminated, become a staple of jokes.

如今,麻将似乎是一种潮流,是人们茶余饭后选择用来娱乐的方式之一。Nowadays, mahjong seems to be a trend, is one of the ways in which people in dinner choose to entertainment.

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比起总统大选,老百姓们茶余饭后聊天的话题更多的是阿根廷足协主席的竞选情况。Dinner-party chatter focuses more on the Argentine Football Association's presidential election than on the country's.

柳侯公园犹如闹市中的一块绿洲,是人们公休假日和茶余饭后散步游玩的好场所。Liu Hou Park is like an oasis in the busy streets, people sabbaticals Chatufanhou Walking holidays and play a good place.

如果你听到一群魅力四射且单身的女人在茶余饭后秘密私语,那么此时的话题通常都是男人。If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN.

花本身不香,但是它给花床添加的奇色,给茶余饭后提供的真正有趣的谈资,便长足地弥补了这一缺憾。The blooms do not have a scent but more than make up for it providing real interest in the flower bed and in dinner conversation!

从小酷爱丹青之趣,尝有志于成才称家,故茶余饭后,喜调朱砂,搅石绿。Dan's childhood love interest, talent, said those who want to try at home, so the gossip, happy tune cinnabar, malachite green stir.

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没有千古奇谈的故事,没有茶余饭后的八卦趣闻,只有寂寞,尖锐的刺痛我的左心房,右心室。No eternal mystery story, not at one's leisure the gossipy tidbits, only the lonely, a sharp pain in my left atrium, right ventricle.

于是,那些过去只有尖刻的经济学家热衷的金融笑话,今天已经成为了美国人茶余饭后的最新流行。Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled.

一时间,网络搜索不仅成为了人们茶余饭后谈论的时髦话题,而且也越来越成其为人们日常生活中不可或缺的信息查询检索利器。In a long period of time, web search becomes not only a popular topic after meal, but also a good tool for searching information in our life.

DSK从巴黎到华盛顿到纽约的这些老熟人,那些与她们亲密的电话和的狂野的故事,成为了人们茶余饭后的谈资。Among DSK’s acquaintances from Paris toWashington to New York, dinner-party conversation is rife with tales of closecalls and wild encounters.

随着宣传的深入,“感动濉溪”评选一事成了为街头巷尾、茶余饭后谈论的热点。Along with propaganda thorough, "the move suiki" the evaluation incident has become for the streets and lanes, the spare time discussion hot spot.

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谁料,本该在乒超中意气风发的王皓却让“醉酒事件”成为了人们茶余饭后的谈资。Unexpectedly, this should actually enable "the alcoholic intoxication event" in pingpong ultra high-spirited Wang Hao to become the people spare time subject.

堪培拉热气球飞行时间大约为3个小时,包括飞行前的准备和收尾工作,这将是您终身难忘的体验和茶余饭后交谈的热点。From start to finish, the Canberra hot air balloon adventure takes about 3 hours, and the experience is terrific dinner conversation for the rest of your life!

茶余饭后、桌垫撤下,又可安做一张临时寝床,而地台下面又是一个绝好的储物柜。Pad of at one's leisure, desk is removed, how can make bed of the one bedroom when Zhang Lin again, and it is below platform absolutely good store content ark.