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这位老太太还在为儿子的死伤心。The old woman still mourns for her son.

军队在工人上开火,四死伤无数。The troops opened fire on workers and killed dozens.

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在这场恶战中,双方死伤无数。The savage fighting claimed many lives on both sides.

死伤最多的地震发生在1556年1月23日的中国山西。The deadliest earthquake ever struck January 23, 1556 in Shansi, China.

看到死伤的学生们,队长生气的责骂了一顿段振国。See the casualties of students, captain Duan Zhenguo angry scold a meal.

在过去八年里,2011年8月是美国驻伊拉克军队遇到的死伤情况最少的一个月。August was the least deadly month for U. S. forces in Iraq in eight years.

许多树被风刮倒了。更糟糕的是,还死伤了一些人。Lots of trees were blown down. Worse still, some people were killed or injured.

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因此,我们必须避免平民死伤,这样才能赢得人民的支持。Therefore, for us to have the people with us, we must avoid civilian casualties.

所到之处,都是残垣断壁如死伤的生命,一片凄凉。Everywhere are the collapsed buildings, such as death or injury to life, a bleak.

这次造反,百姓死伤惨重,这是不仁。The rebellion action takes a heavy toll of people's life, which is relentlessness.

每次战斗,双方的都有众多死伤,但耐用的卡斯尼科夫冲锋枪却完好无损。Many people on both sides died in every skirmish, but the hardy Kalashnikovs endured.

司马空说前段时间军统和七十六号大战了一场,双方死伤不少。SiMaKong said the military and war, seventy-six was a long time, and many on both sides.

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在酒精引起的事故和攻击会造成亲属和朋友死伤。Relatives and friends can be killed or injured in alcohol-related accidents and assaults.

单是六月六日那天结束时,盟军登陆的海滨就满布死伤士兵。At the end of D-Day itself, the landing beaches were strewn with dead and wounded soldiers.

尤其是在第一次世界大战期间,当死伤数达到1亿时。Especially during World War I, when the dead and wounded toll hit the double-digit millions.

你这受死伤行恶的以色列王阿,罪孽的尽头到了,受报的日子已到。And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end

在中国西南部,发生了一起严重的汽车撞人事件,死伤约30人。The southwest part of China witnesses a serious car crash with a casualty of about 30 people.

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然而由尖刀和锤子引发的大量死伤却没有因此而停止。Yet a spate of mass killings and injuries by knife or hammer-wielding assailants has continued.

银河各处的复制人士兵向他们的绝地将领们开火,死伤无数。Across the galaxy, clone troopers opened fire against their Jedi generals, killing many of them.

十五名房客中有十一人葬身火海,这宗火灾成为了路易斯安那州史上死伤最为严重的火灾之一。Eleven of the 15 household members died. It was one of the deadliest fires in Louisiana history.