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记录你的天赋。Record Your Genius.

她是一个有天赋的高尔夫球手.She is a gifted golfer.

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有人可能会说,韩寒天赋异禀。Some might say, Han gift.

乔有语言天赋。Jo has flair for language.

娜拉有唱歌的天赋。He has a gift for pastiche.

“非常有天赋,”博卡说。“Very talented, ” Bomka said.

我没有数学方面的天赋。I have no head for mathematic.

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我认为我有,可能有,一种天赋。I think I have, maybe, a gift.

他是个很有天赋的作曲家。He is a highly gifted composer.

培养你的天赋和才能。Nurture your gifts and talents.

此外,天蝎座还有其他的天赋。Scorpios have other gifts, too.

学生的音乐天赋是无价的。The gift of music is priceless.

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如果你不能靠天赋成功。If you can't excell with talent.

不,不行,我没有这方面的i天赋!No, not really.I have no talent!

这是我们对所有天赋的观点。This is our POV on both talents.

天赋异禀的美国人。That's the true genius of America.

蒂亚戈有着无尽的天赋。Thiago has an inexhaustible talent.

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她顽强、善良,并且有天赋。She’s tenacious, kind and intuitive.

我们都拥有独特的技能和天赋。We all have unique skills and gifts.

那家人都有音乐天赋。A gift for music runs in that family.