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巨蟹,跟金牛座有干连。Cancer, linked with Taurus.

狮子座男与金牛座女的相融性Leo Man Taurus Woman Compatibility

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狮子座女和金牛座男的相融性Leo Woman Taurus Man Compatibility

处女座和金牛座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Taurus love compatibility

你对金牛座的人应该更小心。You should be more careful around Tauruses.

因此,狮子座和金牛座最配吗?So is Leo and Taurus compatibility, the best?

金牛座只会吃最好的瑞士巧克力。Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocolates.

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相信金牛座的明星们会给我们带来更多的惊喜。I think our Taurean celebrities also exhibit this trust.

金牛座和其他十二宫的星座相比较,它是离地球最近的。No other sign in the zodiac is close to earth than Taurus.

你的上升星位也在狮子座,你的月亮星位在金牛座。Your Ascendant is also in Leo, and your Moon is in Taurus.

而十二星座中的金牛座也由此得名,成为爱与美的象征。This is the fairytale of Taurus, which symbolizes beauty and love.

改变破坏常规时,金牛座可能会发起牛脾气。It's when change upsets the routine that our Bull's temper can flare.

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金牛座主管的是自然,对天秤来说不够浪漫。Taurus is the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra.

金牛座属于被星相学家命名的一组土象星座。Taurus belongs to a group of signs which astrologers call earth signs.

昴宿星标志着金牛座的金牛的肩部。The Pleiades marks the shoulder of the Bull in the constellation Taurus.

巨蟹座、金牛座和狮子座是重视保险感、家庭观点重的星座。Cancer, Taurus and Leo are the security-conscious and home-focused signs.

金牛座,在性关系方面是很简单和实在的。Taurus, however, is straight-forward and down-to-earth in sexual matters.

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巨蟹座、金牛座和狮子座是注重安全感、家庭观念重的星座。Cancer , Taurus and Leo are the security- conscious and home-focused signs.

在北半球,金牛座的人出生于仲春时节时间是四月底到五月底。In the Northern hemisphere, Taureans are born when spring is in full bloom.

金牛座一旦饥渴,可以有条理地得到满足。Taurus has hungers and can be quite methodical in the satisfaction thereof.