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似曾相识?Deja Vu?

很多的标志都有似曾相识的感觉。Many logos have the feeling of deja vu.

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现在,你们觉得这个概念似曾相识了吧Now, you're familiar with that concept, right?

对于许多巴勒斯坦人来说,进入联合国这一申请好像似曾相识。For many Palestinians, the UN bid feels like déjà vu.

似曾相识的感觉来袭时,大脑怎么了?What is going on in the brain when we experience déjà vu?

对于这种“似曾相识”,整个过程仅发生在刹那之间。As with deja vu, this entire process happens in a split second.

影片最后谈到伊拉克,各种的资料似曾相识。Finally, Iraq. Familiar material by now but telling nonetheless.

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老股民看到股市暴跌,有似曾相识之感。Old-timers watched the stock-market crash with a sense ofd�j� vu.

擦肩而过,路的两端,蓦然回首,似曾相识。Pass by, at both ends of the road, and suddenly look back, familiar.

这样的空虚感似曾相识,唯一能够摆脱它们的方法就是工作。Voids like these were familiar, and the only way across them was work.

对于那些了解历史的人来说,这是一种似曾相识的情形——确实历历在目。For those who know their history, it’s déjà vu all over again — literally.

正如约吉。贝拉所说,“那是似曾相识的东西,只不过以新的包装的再次呈现。”As Yogi Berra said, it was dj vu all over again, but in a nice new package.

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无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。Flowers fall off, do what one way, Swallows seem to be no strangers return.

当他向我解释这项工作时,我有一种强烈的似曾相识的感觉。As I listened to him explain the work, I had a very strong sense of deja vu.

这个漂亮的小工具,还可以播放录音带给你,似曾相识,似曾相识的经验。This nifty gadget can also play cassettes to give you that déjà-vu experience.

然后我们有70年代的石油危机,正如他们所说,一切似曾相识。Then we had the oil crises of the 1970s and, as they say, de ja vu all over again.

你有过与某人、某地、某时空似曾相识的经历吗?Have you ever experienced similar acquaintance with somebody, someplace or some space?

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杰姬一路闻着似曾相识的香水滋味,来到杰米的办公室。Jackie all the way the perfume of smelling the familiar taste, came to jamie's office.

我只是不停歇地阅读,铺展充满梦幻的遐想,在这些似曾相识的奇特天地引缰徐行。I just read and steered my daydreaming self through these strangely kindred atmospheres.

他沿着跑道起跑冲刺,那感觉奇特无比,妙不可言,而又似曾相识。As he began sprinting down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar.