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要测试故障转移,逐个地停止克隆。To test failover, stop the clones one by one.

下面是最佳雇主前50,为您逐个倒数。Here are the top 50 employers, in reverse order.

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用指甲刀逐个修剪脚趾甲。Trim toenails straight across using nail clippers.

为什么是厕所呢,请听我议逐个道来。Why is the toilet, please listen to me on one one.

你觉得逐个人黎选好些定系逐个组别选好些?Do you prefer voting for individuals or for groups?

链中的过滤器逐个执行其处理。Filters in the chain do their processing one by one.

逐个控制和执行工作流程中的每一个任务Controls and executes each task of the workflow one-by-one

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我正在依时间顺序逐个检视那些论点。I am traveling on in time in my review of these arguments.

范·桑特是以逐个场景、逐个镜头的方式将该片进行重拍的。Van Sant remade the movie scene for scene and shot for shot.

对风险程度必须按各案情逐个加以评估。The degree of risk needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

电晕放电和刷毛状放电只是从放电点处逐个地发生。The corona or brush discharge would transfer from point to point.

接下来的几个小节逐个研究这些联邦对象。The following sections examine these federated objects one by one.

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任何借助望远镜瞄准器的像样射手都可以随意把我们逐个干掉。Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us off at random.

让我们逐个看看,看看其优点和缺点。Let's take a look at each of these, as well as their pros and cons.

你以为自治是独逐个个通向其他目的的第一步吗?Do you think that autonomy is only the first step toward something else?

我们需要逐个国家地留意有关情况,"他表示."We need to keep an eye on that on a country-by-country basis," he said.

今天是独逐个天我愿意跟老婆说我爱她的日子。Today is the only day when I can bring myself to tell my wife I love her.

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我们逐个来看看这些值得注意的非首轮新秀.We take a slide-show look at some of the more notable non first-rounders.

如有自行车打气筒,则对准小孔逐个吹一下效果更佳。If bicycle pump, then the alignment hole- by-blow look at a better effect.

在大黄鱼精子超低温保存实验中,逐个筛选了方案中各个因素的最佳水平。In the study of sperm, the best levels of various factors have been found.