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我觉得你穿亮色很不错。I think you look best in bright colors.

黑色与亮色对比鲜明。Black contrasts well with bright colors.

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米兰街头各种亮色当道。Colored brights on the streets of Milan.

加条红围巾,添点亮色。Add a red scarf to give a splash of color.

印花衬衫裙上亮色大花很吸引眼球。Big bright florals on an eye-catching printed shirt dress.

亮色的包包不再只是去海边的时候才用得到。Bright bags are not just for the beach or baby wipes anymore.

在头发上添加一些亮色可以突出你得面色。Liven up your looks by adding some fresh highlights to your hair.

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胡安·阿曼特博士说,亮色有助于帮助鸟类吸引配偶。Dr Juan Amat said the bright colours helped the birds attract mates.

新增高清画质的亮色盘与暗色盘选项。Updated HD graphics quality of bright and dark compass disc options.

字型服饰、撞色袖和亮色组合都是相当不错的选择。A-line shapes are great as well as contrast sleeves and color blocking.

你可以戴一条亮色的丝巾。这样就不会看起来一团漆黑了。You can add a bright colored scarf, so you won't look too deadly black.

曹操的四言诗歌创作颇具特色,给四言诗的发展增添了许多亮色。Cao Cao's four-character poetry added colours to the development of its kind.

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沃克尔还推荐只在上身接近面部的地方使用亮色。She also recommends limiting bright colors to the upper body, close to the face.

亮色分离芯片在当前的数字化电视中起着很重要的作用。The chip for separating luminance chrominance contributes lot to the digitized TV.

而当丽鱼雄性失去它的领地后,身体的亮色也会随之黯淡。When the cichlid fish loses control of the territory, he loses his bright coloring.

我喜欢亮色的鞋子。跟儿越高越好。And I'd like to, like, wear, bright colored shoes. The taller, the better, the heel.

它与亮色或印花服装搭配,又或者是穿在西装里面都很漂亮。It looks great paired with brights or prints or peeking out from underneath a blazer.

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亮色皮肤总比暗色或橄榄色肌肤的人容易晒伤。Those with lighter skin will usually burn faster than those with darker or olive skin.

暗色背景非常有效,但为了易读要确保内容是亮色的。Dark backgrounds are very effective, but be sure to make text a light color for easy reading.

各种花卉图案同家具以及床上用品亮色的直线条形成强烈的对比。Various floral prints contrast with bright colorful straight lines in furniture and bedclothes.