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这种内耗对SOA非常有害。This in-fighting can be very detrimental to SOA.

如果民族党持续内耗的话,他们将会输掉这次总统竞选。If the Democrats remain divided they will lose the presidency.

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在纯三角相的PZT73陶瓷中发现两个内耗峰。Two internal friction peaks were found in pure rhombohedral PZT73 ceramics.

观察到200℃附近有一内耗峰,并伴随有模量的软化。An internal friction peak accompanied with soft modulus was observed near 200℃.

通常的内耗仪,应为低频力学弛豫谱仪。The usual internal friction instrument is low-frequency mechanical relaxation instrument.

摆脱借助图谱和在头脑内耗时耗力并且一厢情愿的想象是本研究的最终目标。Breaking away from anatomical atlas and imagination is the ultimate goal of this approach.

加入片状填料可增大材料内部的剪切运动,使内耗值增大。Adding the planar filler can increase the shearing motion and the internal dissipation in materials.

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本文也指出了由于应变率敏感性所引起的内耗增量和过应力的类比性。The analogy between internal friction increment and overstress due to strain-rate sensitivity is cla.

过去作磁弹性内耗研究所用的磁场大都是静磁场。In previous studies on magnetoelastic internal frictions, the applied magnetic field was mostly static.

本文也指出了由于应变率敏感性所引起的内耗增量和过应力的类比性。The analogy between internal friction increment and overstress due to strain-rate sensitivity is clarified.

该党在进入主要竞赛打败共和党的布什之前,看来是失去了理智,一心一意打起了内耗战。Yes, she's a Democrat, " said Schwarzenegger "and this is the first time she's going to vote for a Republican.

森林冠层内耗散系数和动量通量随大气稳定度有明显变化。Variations of the dissipation coefficient and momentum flux with atmospheric stability are found within forest CL.

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人类。那个词今天对我们所有人来说都应有新的含义。我们不能再因我们之间的微小差异而内耗。Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences any more.

研究了不同热处理条件、预先冷加工以及测量温度对于这种内耗现象的影响。A study was made on the effect of heat treatment, previous cold-working, and temperature of measurement on this internal friction.

本文对高纯铝的应变时效内耗行为以及所表现出的振幅效应进行研究。The behavior of internal friction during strain ageing and amplitude-dependent effect behaved in high purity aluminium were studied.

金属疲劳是一个能量耗散过程,其中主要的能量耗散形式包括内耗热和储能。Fatigue of metals is an energy dissipation process. The main energy dissipation includes the internal friction and the stored energy.

随着钛酸钡含量的增加,杂化膜的储存模量增加,而力学内耗的最大值下降。With the increase of BaTiO3 content in the hybrid films, storage moduli of the hybrid films increased, however, tgδ values at Tg decreased.

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在低长径比,碳纤复合材料的内耗值比玻纤复合材料的高。达到一定长径比后,内耗值和模量值趋于连续纤维复合材料的值。After a certain aspect ratio both the internal friction and modulus begin to level off and to approach the values of continuous fiber composites.

对于研究中所采用的内耗和介电弛豫两种主要的实验方法也一并作了介绍。And then, the internal friction and dielectric relaxation techniques are also simply descried as the main measurement methods in our research work.

在一定范围内耗水强度随着灌溉量的增加而提高,不同灌溉模式耗水强度不同。The WCR of alfalfa were up following the increasing irrigation amount to some extent ranges, and different under the different irrigation patterns.