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天天开心!Happy every day!

所以我天天跳舞。So I dance daily.

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我可以天天看动画片。I can oon every day.

好好学习,天天天向上!Hard study Day day up!

冲绳是天天天蓝…Everyday is shiney day !

挑双好鞋才能天天穿!Pick the shoe that fits!

她天天都在数着日子。She is counting the days.

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好好学股,天天上当。Good good stary day day up!

华总,好好学习,天天向上!Good good study day day up!

好好学习,天天向上!Good good study,day day up!

祝您一切如意,天天开心。May you enjoying your days!

好好睡觉,天天向上!Good good sleep, day day up!

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我天天都在这儿摆摊儿。I am at this spot every day.

如果有如果,我希望能令你天天开心。I hope you are happy always.

我真的会天天练的,爸爸,我答应你。I'll use 'em Dad, I promise.

比尔天天都来探望康尼。Bill visited Connie every day.

天天向上提议搞张翰次野餐。He suggested an open-air meal.

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我天天查两次电子邮件。I check a two E-mail everyday.

亲爱的,愿你天天开心!Dear, wish you happy every day!

关键是天天都要去So daily is the key thing here.