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WQD工程用泵。排污泵。WQD project pump. sewage pump.

部分排污门泄漏严重。Part of blowdown valve has heavy leakage.

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资金通过出售排污债券筹得。Money was raised through selling sewer bonds.

黄铜排污阀,全面提升产品安全性。Brass drain valve, comprehensively improve product safety.

几乎各大产业都向我们的水域排污。Almost all major industries have put wastes into our water.

请保留在MIV上游管的设备用于水道的排污。Pls keep provision on MIV upstream pipe for penstock drain.

下水道和排污管的设计受到若干因素的影响。The dirty water falls out through a pipe along way out to sea.

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控制水、汽品质,降低锅炉排污率。Four, control water, steam quality, reduce boiler blowdown rate.

机台请每周打开排污阀两次以上。Machine please drain valve is opened more than two times a week.

车库没有排污设备,小店主的吃喝又都在这儿。No Sewerage garage, the small shopkeepers have gone further here.

指定安全排污阀,方便维护,售后无忧。Specify safe drain valve, convenient maintenance and after-sales.

港口有拖轮拖曳,无排污,有遣返设施。Tugboat towing ports, no sewage, there is repatriation facilities.

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冲落则是利用水流的冲击力达到一次排污。Strong falling is to use the wallop of current to achieve blowdown.

下水道和排污管的设计受到若干因素的影响。The design of a drain or sewer is influenced by a number of factors.

南京长江底下排污管道的防腐工程。Under Nanjing Yangtze River sewage pipes' anti-corrosion engineering.

灵活的控制系统减少排污中液体损失。Flexible control systems to reduce liquid loss during solids blowdown.

他说供水、排污和供电网络都严重受损。Jiang says water, sewage, and electricity networks were severely damaged.

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该系列中无堵塞排污泥浆泵,排污能力特强。The series non-clogging sewage pump, sewage capacity exceptionally strong.

压缩机出口排污管的电偶腐蚀实验研究。Study on bimetallic corrosion testing of blow-off pipe of compressor outlet.

工人们在墙上掘了个洞让排污管道通过。The workmen excavated a hole in the wall to let the sewage pipe pass through.