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以上就是反方的观点All right. Now, that's the objection.

它要不就服务神性,或者神性的反方。It either serves the Krist or it serves its opposite.

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反方辩手1号称述观点,你准备好了吗?开始时间。Debater number 1of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

反方2号辩手,你准备好了吗?开始时间。Debater number 2 of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

我教会你如何打败对手,你现在却反成了反方。I have taught you how to play against rivals. Now you have turned against me.

也是一个人们认为可接受的反方界限是什么的问题。It's also a question of what people see as the boundaries of acceptable opposition.

我是反方,外在表现重要,求一辩开偏利论?I was anti-party, external appearance important, find a partial interest of open debate?

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由于我们时间的限制,我们权衡了正方与反方最后决定不使用这个工具。Given our time constraints, we weighed the pros and cons and decided to not use this tool.

我想问反方一个问题那就是你有过堵车的经历吗?I'd like to ask the question is that You have experience of the traffic? traffic experience?

他必须说服经理来执行这一计划,并要在最后的会议上回答反方的问题。He must persuade the managers to proceed, and answer the objections raised at the last meeting.

反方提到辩题现在存在争议,而我认为这样的论述是毫无意义的。The opposer had mentioned that this issue is controversial and I think this illustration is completely nonsense.

谈到正面差别待遇,我们反方从不否认女性需要正面差别待遇。Talking about positive discrimination, the opposition side, we never deny that women need positive discrimination.

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看到同一个国家人在田际比赛中彼此作为反方竞争使我难受。It saddens me to see members of one nation fighting each other as rivals on opposing sides at international matches.

反方的卡路要说服市议会保留又臭又残旧的湿地,而正方的珍娜则支持新商场盖在湿地里。Carlos, representing his class, is given the thankless task of persuading the town council to keep the smelly old swamp.

如果案件反方的论证有着强烈的感情吸引力的话,那么法官很可能会趋向一个更为公平的判决。If the case is one for which the opponent's arguments may have strong emotional appeal , a judge may render a fairer decision.

他们全都傻了,只有一个例外,就是班长,作为班级的政治家,他没有完全相信我的话,正方反方他都做了准备。With the exception of the class president, who as a politician did not trust me and thus had prepared both sides, they flopped.

反方成员指出自从1995年起,关于有问题的肉类的警告标签一直是显而易见的。It is claimed by members of the opposition that warning signs about problems with meat inspection have been apparent since 1995.

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然后,反方律师对证人作最后一次交叉询问以强调在非直接询问中产生的事实。The opposing counsel then has a last opportunity to cross-examine the witness to address facts brought out in redirect examination.

你可以引经据典去支持正方或者反方的观点,但话说回来,我还总是会站在支持艺术自由的一方。You can cite studies to support either the yes-they-do or no-they-don't arguments, but again, I will always come down on the side of artistic freedom.

这个知名的阿拉巴马律师,是一个玩”他山之石可以攻玉“的高手,即使用反方的论述来支持自己的实例。Denson, a prominent Alabama attorney, is a master of the "admission against interest, " a tactic in which statements from the opposition are used to build one's case.