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用水平尺量一下。Check it with a level.

垂直还是水平?Vertical or horizontal?

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在游泳中他没有游出他的最高水平。He had not swum his best.

她打字水平真是顶呱呱。Her typing is on the ball.

成绩都在平均水平以上。They are all above average.

白痴的智商低于正常水平。An idiot has a subnormal IQ.

今天的品牌管理还停留在1999年的水平。Brand management is so 1999.

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水平从枯萎到哮吼。Level from withers to croup.

水平支撑开始,并保持2秒。Planche, Hold for 2 seconds.

有六年级的水平吧!These must be sixth-graders!

英语上升一个水平。Your English goes up a leve.

检查铁和叶酸的水平。Check iron and folate levels.

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两耳的水平差异。Interaural level differences.

手与臀部在同一水平线上。Keep your hands at hip level.

把它水平地压扁。Let's squish it horizontally.

可配一种水平转子。A swing-out rotor is available.

所以我要提高我的英语水平。So I try to improve my English.

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他汀类药物还可以降低血液胆固醇水平。Statin drugs lower cholesterol.

什么是专家水平?Expert-level, what does it mean?

但税率大体上还是保持在较低水平。Fundamentally, he left them low.