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那只戒子无疑是精品。That ring is certainly the cheese.

我想要中国的精品。I'd like to buy sone Chinese handicrafts.

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大明建文年制!较罕见的精品!Daming has four-year! Relatively rare fine!

忍痛买下诸多精品。Have withstood pain to buy many accessories.

市中心有许多精品和特色店。There are many boutique and specialty shops.

更有精品荧光手机数据线免费派。More fine fluorescent phone data line free pie.

搜购精品已达千元之数。I have bought over thousand dollars accessories.

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禅诗是中国传统文化宝库中的精品。Chan poetry is a precious gem of Chinese culture.

这是牛仔服装行业的一个精品领域。This is a rarefied segment of the denim business.

假设你在一个豪华的精品酒店。Let's say you're staying in a fancy boutique hotel

为什么连新奥拓也还要加2000元的精品?Why should also be kept new products with 2000 yuan?

努力打造电缆桥架行业的精品超市。Cable tray to create a boutique supermarket industry.

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佳利精品,好产品利益大家!因为专业,所以信赖!Jorier Goods, Just for You! Trust us for Profesional!

芭比培果时尚精品馆2007春夏玩搭配!Babi Pei fruit Lifestyle Center 2007 Summer play with!

为传世汝瓷罕见之精品。For handed down your porcelain rare high-quality goods.

管理人员审核通过认定的精品软件基地。Management review by recognized boutique software base.

是中国第一个真正意义上的精品生活消费团购网社区!Is China's first truly fine living buy Network Community!

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诗琳纳是高档厨卫尚品的艺术精品。Linna is a high-end kitchen yet poetic works of art products.

这些葡萄酒将精彩精品多年。These wines will be fantastic collectables for years to come.

“做精品工程”是森大人不懈的追求。" Do the exquisite article "that is the consistent pursuance.