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汉奸可恶,与狗何干?Traitors dammit, with a dog?

买办,汉奸,走狗?Comprador, traitor, running dog?

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我一直认为中国汉奸还是不少的…And I think Chinese are not even born yet.

现在的买办恶势力就是汉奸。Today's evil comprador forces are traitors.

前面五个字,以汉奸论罪。In front of five characters to a traitor deserved.

王金彪说外国来的叫鬼子,我们叫汉奸。Wang Jinbiao said that foreign to the devil, we called traitors.

全中国人民都会这么说,谁敢做中国的大汉奸,卖国贼?Chinese people will say, who would do China's big traitor, traitor?

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真实岂有此理,你这样评论太不道德了,不就是个汉奸嘛!This is absolute nonsense, your comment is immoral, one of a traitor!

白冬菊无意间放走了林振海,让她成为大家口中的汉奸。BaiDongJu inadvertently released LinZhenHai, let her become everyone mouth traitors.

从他归附清朝来看,他有他的特殊情况,不能将“汉奸”之类的称呼加在他的头上。He had his unique cause and submitted himself to the Qing. We don't call him a traitor.

再往下看,那日本鬼子看见汉奸的那话儿直挺挺的翘着呢!Look downward again, that word that that Japan devil sees traitor of stiff becoming warped!

“国民”这个名词是可用的,但是国民不包括反革命分子,不包括汉奸。The term "national" is all right, but it must not include counter-revolutionaries and traitors.

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立即肃清潜藏在中国境内的汉奸卖国贼分子和一切日寇的侦探,巩固后方。Immediately weed out allthehidden traitors and Japanese agents in Chinaand soconsolidate our rear.

地下党暗杀汉奸苏春来的任务落在了刘栋梁身上。Subterranean party assassinates the task that traitor Su Chun comes to to fall on Liu pillar body.

而另一个汉奸李广胜则神神秘密地通过自己的妻子女儿探听消息。While another traitors Li Guangsheng god god by his own wife, the daughter secretly nose for news.

土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed.

论文主要从抗战英雄的故事、汉奸地主的故事、人与“鬼”的故事展开讨论。The paper mainly discusses the stories of Anti-Japanese War heroes, landowners and traitors, human and "."

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什么“汉奸走狗”,“猪朋狗友”之类的咒骂,不时出现在电视上和口语中。What "traitors stooges", "pig friends as" friendly dog cursing, sometimes appeared on TV and oral English.

第一是日本帝国主义者要杀他们,第二是汪精卫等汉奸卖国贼要杀他们。First, the Japanese imperialists, and next, the Chinese collaborators and traitors such as Wang Ching -wei.

将这种两面派分子,和汉奸亲日派加以区别。We make a distinction between such people with a dual character and the traitors and pro-Japanese elements.