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最为神奇的是在“胀气塘”旁边的一口古井。The most amazing is that in the "flatulence pond" next to the old well.

原来濑古井是钻法律的空子,使得他的违法行为合理化。Originally seen seto drill laws, is the illegal behavior makes him rationalized.

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但是此次的对手是曾经与美寿寿打过交道的,阿功德不动产的濑古井。But the opponent is ever dealt with beauty ShouShou, o qualities of seen seto realty.

太阳刚落山,他们离开大路来到一个古井旁一片植被茂盛的地方歇息。Just after sunset, they left the road to rest in an overgrown yard beside an old stone well.

望湘江岳麓山美景,品白沙古井神韵,闻长郡雅礼书声。Xiangjiang Yuelu Mountain views, quality white sand Furui charm, the sound heard Changjun Yale book.

脚下是油油的苔藓从破石臼一直蔓延到古井边的光滑完整的石块上。The foot is the oil of the mosses from broken mortar has spread to the edge of the smooth and complete.

因为好的风水,保存了古井,这也是中国所有设计中的一个重要部分。The old well has been preserved for good Feng Shui an important pArtlantislantis of any design in China.

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他们走过妖怪用魔法笼罩着的森林,穿过荒凉的原野,来到一口古井前。They walked beyond the sprite's enchanted woods, across desolate plains, until they came to an ancient well.

我不知道说什么好,陷入古井般的,在这里聊天时我通常都保持的那种沉默。I did not know what to say, submerged in silence like a leaden well that I endured in the chatter of the room.

“古井”坐落在亳县城东北二十公里的古井镇,已有一千四百多年的历史。The well, with a history of over 1, 400 years, is situated at Gujing Town, 20 kilometers northeast of Boxian County.

树下,有一口很深的古井,井水清悠悠的,映出了天上的一轮圆月。Under the tree was a deep ancient well. The water in the well was very clean and reflected the full moon in the sky.

“卢克,我从我卧室的窗口能清清楚楚地看见古井的,”菲比答道,一面指点着一道三角墙上的一扇打开的格子自。"I can see the well from my bedroom window, Luke, " Phoebe answered, pointing to an open lattice in one of the gables.

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老墙,古井,陈旧的木门和窗棂,村中每物仿佛向人们诉说着这里流淌的百年世事。Old rocks, old well, old wooden doors and windows, everything in the village tells a history of more than four centuries.

这口在埃及阿斯旺附近的古井有几层楼深但仍然被阳光照射,井水标志着夏至的到来。Several stories down but still sunlit, the waters of an ancient well near Aswan, Egypt, mark the arrival of the summer solstice.

千年古井,清澈泉水,湖光山色,美不胜收,此外还拥有球场最大的果岭。The scenery is so beautiful with a millenary well, clear fountain, lake and mountain. Here is also the largest green in the course.

百年古井,古树,青砖飞檐,古色古香的榻榻米床,终于回到历史的家。The century-old ancient well, ancient tree, the blue brick flies in the eaves, antique tatami bed, got back to home of history at last.

一口百年古井,幽深,澄澈,也可以一眼望到底,但这口古井,本身却并不简单。人也一样。A-century old well is limpid, deep and serene, and its bottom can be seen with a look, but this old well itself is not simple, just like man.

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上海古井假日酒店成为上海市普陀区长寿社区慈善超市新址落成后的第一个捐赠单位。Holiday Inn Shanghai Vista is honored to be the first donator for the newly-built Social Welfare Supermarket of Changshou Road Community, Putuo District.

古井智丰富的视觉呈现完全建构在精确的科学现象和观察上,精致细腻的画风又能散发著梦幻、虚构的特质。Furui's visual sensibility is based entirely on accurate scientific fact and observation, yet its is masked under his exquisite brushwork, evoking a dreamlike quality.

在舅舅家,那生柴火的大灶、吹火的竹筒、破旧的祠堂、神像以及提供日常用水的幽深的古井都令我倍感新奇。It is unusual for me when I saw the big kitchen range what make a fire use woods, thick bamboo tube what make it fire, old ancestral hall, Buddha and the ancient well.