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接着我们就做了听写。Then we had a dictation.

请把你们的听写交上来。Hand in your dictations, please.

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接着,她自己又完成了听写。Then she had a dictation by herself.

不过,她还听写了一半的内容。She also dictated half of the content.

教师让学生听写。The teacher gave the pupils dictation.

我能听写记录正常速度的口授。I can take dictation at ordinary speed.

老师给我们作了一次法语听写。The teacher gave us a French dictation.

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晚上,她听写了自己复习过的内容。She dictated what she reviewed this evening.

今天晚上,她和我一块听写了那些内容。And she had a dictation with me this evening.

教师给全班学生做西班牙语听写。The teacher dictated in Spanish to her class.

当然,我也听写了这首歌曲的歌词。Of course, I dictated the lyric of this song, too.

她在听写课文内容的时候犯了三处错误。She made three mistakes when she dictated the content.

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最后,她听写了第八十六课余下的内容。And she dictated the rest content in lesson 86 at last.

咱们怎么听写呢,为什么要做这个How are we going to do this? Why do we want to do this?

今天下午,她听写了第七十九课余下的内容。She dictated the rest content of lesson 79 this afternoon.

因而,现正在许多人都经过延长单纯词来放慢听写的进度。So, many people now shorten words to speed up the process.

法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.

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但是,我没有足够的时间来听写这首歌的歌词了。But I had no enough time to dictate the lyric of this song.

今天早上起来听写完一段英语就出门了。This morning I went out after an English dictation exercise.

练习听写的一个快速的方法就是来练习视唱。A quick way to practice dictation is to practice sight singing.